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Affiliation: National Scientific Center of Marine Biology, FEB RAS

Position, academic degree, rank: supervisor, Academician of RAS, D. Sc., Prof.

Address: 17 Palchevsky str., Vladivostok, 690041, Russian Federation


Research area:

comparative morphology and systematics of marine invertebrates;

marine biological biodiversity monitoring.


Membership in editorial boards, scientific communities, and other organizations:

member of the editorial board – scientific journal Pacific Medical Journal;

member of the editorial board – scientific journal Russian Journal of Marine Biology;

member of the editorial board – scientific journal Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

member of the editorial board – scientific journal Vestnik of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

vice president – Russian Hydrobiological Society;

chairman – Expert Council of RAS.


Major papers over the past five years:

Maiorova A. S., Morozov T. B., Adrianov A. V. Phascolion kamchatikus sp. nov., the first interstitial sipunculan (Sipuncula, Phascolionidae) from the Pacific Ocean. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 2024, vol. 312, pp. 124–134.


Rybakova E., Krylova E., Mordukhovich V., Galkin S., Alalykina I., Sanamyan N., Nekhaev I., Vinogradov G., Shilov V., Pakhnevich A., Gebruk A., Adrianov A. Mega- and macrofauna of the hydrothermally active submarine Piip Volcano (the southwestern Bering Sea). Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2023, vol. 208, art. no. 105268.


González-Casarrubios A., Cepeda D., Pardos F., Neuhaus B., Yamasaki H., Herranz M., Grzelak K., Maiorova A., Adrianov A., Dal Zotto M., Di Domenico M., Landers S. C., Sánchez N. Towards a standardisation of morphological measurements in the phylum Kinorhyncha. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 2023, vol. 302, pp. 217–223.


Mordukhovich V. V., Adrianov A. V. Biodiversity study of the deep-sea ecosystems in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean. Trudy VNIRO, 2023, vol. 193, pp. 9–31.


Orlova T. Y., Aleksanin A. I., Lepskaya E. V., Efimova K. V., Selina M. S., Morozova T. V., Stonik I. V., Kachur V. A., Karpenko A. A., Vinnikov K. A., Adrianov A. V., Iwataki M. A massive bloom of Karenia species (Dinophyceae) off the Kamchatka coast, Russia, in the fall of 2020. Harmful Algae, 2022, vol. 120, art. no. 102337 (20 p.).


Adrianov A., Maiorova A. Kinorhynchs (Kinorhyncha) from methane cold seeps in the Bering Sea, with biogeographical discussion and ecological notes. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2022, vol. 202, art. no. 105132 (20 p.).


Reunov A., Lutaenko K., Vekhova E., Zhang J., Zakharov E., Sharina S., Alexandrova Ya., Reunova Yu., Akhmadieva A., Adrianov A. In the Asia-Pacific region, the COI DNA test revealed the divergence of the bivalve mollusc Mactra chinensis into three species; can these species be distinguished using shell coloration and sperm structure? Helgoland Marine Research, 2021, vol. 75, art. no. 7 (19 p).


Adrianov A. V., Maiorova A. S. Echinoderes xiphophorus sp. nov. – The first deep-water representative of Echinoderidae in the Sea of Japan (Kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida). European Journal of Taxonomy, 2021, vol. 773, pp. 169–186.


Maiorova A. S., Adrianov A. V. Biodiversity of echiurans (Echiura) of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench area. Progress in Oceanography, 2020, vol. 180, art. no. 102216 (16 p.).


Adrianov A. V., Maiorova A. S. Echinoderes vulcanicus sp. nov. from the active marine volcano Piip – The first representative of the Kinorhyncha in the Bering Sea (Kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida). Zoologischer Anzeiger, 2020, vol. 289, pp. 35–49.


Reunov A. A., Au D. W. T., Alexandrova Ya. N., Chiang M. W. L., Wan M. T., Yakovlev K. V., Reunova Yu. A., Komkova A. V., Cheung N. K. M., Peterson D. R., Adrianov A. V. Germ plasm-related structures in marine medaka gametogenesis; novel sites of Vasa localization and the unique mechanism of germ plasm granule arising. Zygote, 2020, vol. 28, iss. 1, pp. 9–23.