Editorial Board
The principle of the Editorial Board (RU)
- Egorov Viktor Nikolaevich, supervisor, Academician of RAS, D. Sc., Prof., A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
- Soldatov Alexander Aleksandrovich, head of the department, D. Sc., Prof., A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS
Managing Editor
- Kornyychuk Yulia Mikhailovna, leading researcher, PhD, A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS
- Adrianov Andrey Vladimirovich, supervisor, Academician of RAS, D. Sc., Prof., National Scientific Center of Marine Biology, FEB RAS
- Arvanitidis Christos, senior researcher, D. Sc., Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
- Azovsky Andrey Igorevich, D. Sc., Prof., Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Bat Levent, head of department of hydrobiology, D. Sc., Prof., Sinop Üniversitesi
- Ben Souissi Jamila, directrice de département des sciences marines, D. Sc., Prof., Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie
- Denisenko Stanislav Grigorevich, head of the laboratory, leading researcher, D. Sc., Zoological Institute RAS
- Dovgal Igor Vasilyevich, chief researcher, D. Sc., Prof., A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS
- Fesenko Sergey Viktorovich, chief researcher, D. Sc., Prof., Russian Institute of Radiology and Agroecology of National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”
- Genkal Sergey Ivanovich, chief researcher, D. Sc., Prof., Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters, RAS
- Kociolek John Patrick, director of the Natural History Museum, Prof. in the department of ecology and evolutionary biology, D. Sc., University of Colorado Boulder
- Konovalov Sergey Karpovich, director, Corresponding Member of RAS, D. Sc., Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS
- Magni Paolo, research director, PhD, National Research Council of Italy, Institute for the Study of Anthropogenic Impact and Sustainability in the Marine Environment
- Milchakova Natalia Afanasyevna, head of the laboratory, PhD, A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS
- Moncheva Snejana, director, D. Sc., Prof., Institute of Oceanology, BAS
- Nevrova Elena Leonidovna, chief researcher, D. Sc., A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS
- Pešić Vladimir, D. Sc., Prof., University of Montenegro
- Prazukin Alexander Vasilyevich, leading researcher, D. Sc., A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS
- Rudneva Irina Ivanovna, leading researcher, D. Sc., Prof., Marine Hydrophisical Institute of RAS
- Ryabushko Vitaly Ivanovich, head of the department, D. Sc., A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS
- Samyshev Ernest Zainullinovich, scientific advisor, D. Sc., Prof., A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS
- Sanzharova Natalia Ivanovna, supervisor, Corresponding Member of RAS, D. Sc., Prof., Russian Russian Institute of Radiology and Agroecology of National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”
- Sovga Elena Evgenievna, leading researcher, D. Sc., Prof., Marine Hydrophisical Institute of RAS
- Stelmakh Lyudmyla Vasilievna, head of the department, D. Sc., A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS
- Trapeznikov Alexander Viktorovich, head of the department, head of the Biophysical Station, D. Sc., Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, UB RAS
- Vasil’eva Ekaterina Denisovna, leading researcher, D. Sc., Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Zaharia Tania, scientific director, vice-president of the scientific council, D. Sc., National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa”
- Zuyev German Vasilyevich, scientific advisor, D. Sc., Prof., A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS
Proofreading, Kopytova Olga.
Desktop publishing, Baiandin Aleksei.