Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, Authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items. Submissions may be returned to Authors that do not adhere to these guidelines:
- printed version of the manuscript, signed by all Authors of the article, or scanned file of the last page of the manuscript;
- agreement on the transfer of exclusive rights of the article (two copies), signed by all Authors, or a scanned file of the Author's contract, signed by all Authors, from the e-mail of the Author, corresponding with the Editorial Board;
- file of the manuscript of the article, identical to the printed original, sent to the Editorial Board by regular mail;
- files of illustrations and graphs (.tiff, .png, .jpeg, at least 300 dpi);
- completed metadata file for every article Author;
- notice about conflict of interest, if any (in accordance with the journal's publication ethics).
Author Guidelines
Manuscript template RUS (.rtf)
Manuscript template ENG (.rtf)
The mandatory elements of a scientific communication or a review article are:
- The UDC (universal decimal classification) code.
- Information about Author(s) (first, second name and family name, academic title and position, affiliation of each Author or name of organization which carried out the work, city, country, and e-mail for communication with Authors. The name of the organization in Russian and English should match the one specified in the statute. The order of the Authors' names reflects their contribution to the work presented).
- Two abstracts (up to 600 words, in Russian and English, mutually consistent and fully reflecting the content of the work. The abstracts should display the relevance, aims, material and methods, results, and conclusions. The titles of these sections in the abstracts should not be included).
- Keywords (3–10 words or collocations, which will be used for the article search. They should reflect the subject matter specifics, the object, and the results of the research and be mutually consistent in Russian and English).
- Introduction (it aims at presenting current state of affairs in the scientific problem the article purports to solve, outlines the relevance of the research topic and presents a brief review of literature on the subject matter, the formulation of the problem, the aim and objectives of the study).
- Material and methods (the expeditionary research zones and the research vessel cruise number, the methods and schemes of experiments/observations are indicated to allow other scientists to reproduce the results using only the text of the article. Materials, instruments, equipment, samplings, and conditions of experiments/observations are specified).
- Results (actual results of the study: text, tables, graphs, diagrams, equations, photographs, figures).
- Discussion (it contains an interpretation of the results of the study including the agreement of the results obtained with a hypothesis of the study, the area of the research and generalization of its results, and proposals for practical applications and future research).
- Conclusions (3–5 items summarizing the key findings of the study).
- References to the source of financial support for the research (the number of grant, state assignment of the Russian Federation, etc.) or specifying of the fact that materials of a collection or a biorepository were used.
- Acknowledgments (expressing appreciation to colleagues for their help, gratitude for a grant or some other financial support for the research, for the use of materials from collections and biorepositories, etc.).
- References (this includes only sources having the status of scientific publications used in preparing the article and cited in the body of the article in accordance with the standard adopted in the journal. Citation of abstracts of conference reports and abstracts of dissertations is undesirable and is allowed in exceptional cases).
The mandatory elements of a brief report are:
- the UDC (universal decimal classification) code;
- information about Author(s) (see above);
- text;
- abstract (up to 600 words; if the text of the report is in Russian, the abstract is in English, and vice versa);
- figures and/or tables (if necessary, no more than two);
- references (the requirements for cited sources are the same as those for articles, see above).
The maximum lengths of scientific papers submitted to the journal are: 20 pages for a review article that critically generalizes a certain research topic; 25 pages for an original research article (a logically complete scientific research); 6 pages for a historical chronicle; 3 pages for chronicles and information; 3 pages for a critical comment; 2 pages for a brief report.
The relative amount of illustrations should not exceed one third of the total length of a manuscript.
The number of references, as a rule, should not exceed 80 items for review articles and 40 references for original research articles. The minimum number of references in a brief report is 8.
A manuscript should be presented as a text document file (with an extension .doc, .docx, or .odt) together with a copy in the .pdf format for correct display of used special symbols and notations.
If necessary, authors can provide additional materials (initial materials of experiments, etc.), published as an attachment to the file of the electronic version of the article (in .pdf, .xls formats).
- The following page settings should be used: A4 size, portrait orientation, one column, top and bottom margins 3.3 cm, left and right margins 2.2 cm. Please use font Times New Roman 12 pt, line indent 1.25 cm, and single line spacing.
- Use notations and abbreviations accepted in the International System of Units (SI).
- Do not use automatic hyphenation.
- Do not place points after the UDC code, article title, Authors' family names, affiliation and organization names, headings and subheadings, figure and table captions, table notes and footnotes, dimensions (h = hour, s = second, g = gramme, min = minute, d = day, m = meter), and in subscripts (Corg).
- A point should be placed after abbreviations including the first part of a word, e. g., Mar. = March, Mon. = Monday, etc.
- In the body of manuscripts and abstracts in Russian, the decimal mark is comma (e. g., 0,1 or 2,005), whereas it is the point (e. g., 0.1 or 2.005) in the body of manuscripts and abstracts in English.
- Do not separate quotes and parentheses by spaces from words enclosed in them: (at 300 K).
- A space must be placed between the number sign (no.) or section sign (§) and a number, e. g., no. 1, # 1, § 5.65, etc.
- Numbers with letters in notations must be typed without a space, e. g., IVd, 1.3.14a, fig. 1d.
- For geographical coordinates the recommended international notation is 44°37′13,4′′N, 33°30′13,6′′E.
- In geographical abbreviations a space should be placed after a point.
- Do not separate the sign ° from a preceding number, e. g., +30°, etc. But: +30 °C.
- The units of measurement should be indicated, e. g., [mg·m-3] rather than [mg/m3].
- Formulas should be inserted using LaTeX, the standard formula editor embedded in MS Word, or the LibreOffice Math tool. Do not use software such as MathType.
- Abbreviations of several words should be separated by spaces, e. g., b. p. (= boiling point), sp. gr. (= space group), A. C. S. (= American Chemical Society), etc.
- The abbreviations for geographical directions should be given without separators, e. g., NW = northwest, SSE = south-southeast, etc.
- Adjective abbreviations or notations of a chemical compound related to a noun should be separated from the noun by a hyphen, e. g., Na+-form, IR-spectroscopy, PE-film. But: the OH group.
- A dash should be placed between two or more proper names, which are collectively used to entitle a phenomenon, teaching, academic institution, etc., e. g., the Boyle – Mariotte law, and also between words and numbers used to indicate spatial, temporal or quantitative limits, e. g., the route the Indian Ocean – the Black Sea, 2.5–7.0 mm size.
- Figures, maps, graphs, and photographs, as well as tables, are numbered with Arabic numerals in the order of mention of these illustrations in the manuscript.
- In manuscripts written in a language that uses Roman alphabet, geographical and proper names borrowed from the languages that do not use Roman letters should be given in transliteration, adopted by The Times Atlas of the World.
- It is necessary to adhere to the nomenclature adopted in modern catalogs and handbooks, with obligatory reference to the source. Every taxon name cited in the text should be followed, when first mentioned in text, in abstract, and in table and figure captions, by author(s) and the year of description (species authority). At subsequent mentions of the species, the author's name and year of description should not be given, and the name of the genus should be given in abbreviated form. Generic and specific Latin names must be italicized. Latin names of higher taxa and names of authors who described species, genera, etc. should not be italicized or capitalized.
- Abbreviated names of institutions, etc. at the first mention in the manuscript should be accompanied by their full names.
- Graphs, figures, and photographs are accepted as .tiff, .png, or .jpg files, with high resolution (at least 300 dpi).
- It is advisable to provide drawings, diagrams, charts, and schemes as separate .svg files (the software recommended for use is GeoGebra, Inkscape, or Microsoft Excel).
- In the illustration file names, it is necessary to indicate the surname of the first Author of the article and the serial number of the illustration, e. g., Ivanov_fig1.
- Tables, figures, and photographs should be inserted into the manuscript where appropriate. The Author can specify approximate size of a picture up to the whole page size with allowance for the caption, taking into account that the final font size after scaling must be approximately 12 pt and the width of lines and arrows must be sufficient for discerning them. Tables should be created using LaTeX or Microsoft Word and LibreOffice.
- Tables, figures, and photographs should be inserted in the manuscript where appropriate. The Author can specify approximate size of a picture up to the whole page size with allowance for the caption, taking into account that the final font size after scaling must be approximately 12 pt and the width of lines and arrows must be sufficient for discerning them. Tables should be created using LaTeX or Microsoft Word and LibreOffice.
- References to the figures throughout the manuscript should be enclosed in parentheses and given in an abbreviated form and in uppercase: (fig. 1). It is advisable to highlight them.
- References to the tables throughout the manuscript should be enclosed in parentheses: (table 1). It is advisable to highlight them.
- The caption of a table must be presented in two languages (English and Russian) and placed above the table. Table column headings must be capitalized, whereas subheadings must be given in lowercase if they make up one sentence with the heading, and in uppercase otherwise. Units are placed after a comma. There must be an empty line between the table and its caption, and two empty lines between the table and text.
- Repetitive text in columns of a table can be replaced with quotes (– “” –). Do not put quotes in place of repeated digits, notes, marks, mathematical and chemical symbols. If numerical or other data in any cell of the table is not given, a dash (–) should be placed in it.
An example of a table is given below.
Table 1. Abundance and occurrence of dominant species in benthic diatom taxocene in the Sevastopol Bay
Таблица 1. Показатели численности и встречаемости видов-доминантов таксоцена диатомовых в Севастопольской бухте
Species | Abundance, × 102 ind.·cm-2 | Occurrence, % | ||
maximum | mean | |||
Nitzschia compressa | 253.5 | 56.6 | 100 | |
Cocconeis scutellum | 94.5 | 10.1 | 97 |
Figure captions must be also given in two languages (English and Russian) and placed below the figure. There must be an empty line between the figure and its caption and two empty lines between the caption and following text. An example of a figure caption is given below.
Fig. 1. Map of sampling in the Sevastopol Bay
Рис. 1. Карта-схема отбора проб в Севастопольской бухте
Throughout the manuscript, literature must be cited by name of author and year of publication.
- One author: (Fisher, 2018).
- Two authors: (Fisher, Spielberg, 2019).
- Three authors or more: (Fisher et al., 2020).
In case of namesakes' publications in the list of references, the family name is given first in the manuscript, followed by the initials: (Fisher J., 2018).
If the author has published several works during the year, lowercase letters are added to the citations, corresponding to the order, in which the publications are listed in the list of references: (Fisher, 2009b).
For sources with no author and for websites, the first two words of the title and the year of publication or access to the site, respectively, are indicated: (Species Guide…, 2015) or (Weather Archive, 2020).
There are the following rules for making a list of references:
- The allowed number of cited references is 40 in an original article and 80 in a review paper. It is advisable to cite recent works published within the last 5–7 years.
- Each reference starting must be placed in a new line.
- References must be listed in the alphabetical order, not in the order of citation. The references to works written in Cyrillic must be placed first. They are followed by references to works published in a language that uses Roman alphabet.
- If Russian-speaking Authors submit a manuscript in English, the bibliography must be given in transliteration without the Cyrillic version.
- The bibliography should meet the requirements of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and international databases. In this connection, references to Russian-language literature need to additionally contain information for citing it in a language that uses Roman alphabet.
When creating a bibliographic reference item, it is important to observe the following rules:
- All Authors must be listed in each reference.
- Do not abbreviate the journal names.
- If a cited article was published in a language that uses Roman alphabet (e. g., German, Finnish, Danish, Italian, etc.), the respective reference is made in the original language of the article. Family names and initials of all authors should be given as indicated by the authors. The title of the article in English must be presented as in the original publication.
- If a cited article was published in a language that does not use Roman alphabet (e. g., Russian, hieroglyphs, etc.), transliteration of the whole reference in brackets […] must be placed immediately after the reference in the original language.
- Transliteration from Russian should be carried out according to the BSI standard ( with preserving the style of the source. The transliterated name of the article is followed by the transliterated name of the Russian-language journal in the BSI standard, unless there is an established pattern, and the data-line of the article (year, volume, issue, page number). The transliterated reference ends with an indication of the original publication language put in parentheses, e. g.: (in Russ.).
- If the cited article has an official translation of its title, it must be inserted instead of transliteration. Translation, as well as transliteration, is given in brackets […] and is placed immediately after the original writing of the bibliographic reference. The easiest way to check the availability of an official translation of the title of the article is searching it on the website If there is an article (book) translated into English, it is preferable to refer only to it, e. g.:
Borzykh O. G., Zvereva L. V. Mycobiota of the bivalve mollusk Anadara broughtoni (Schrenck, 1867) from various parts of peter the great Bay, Sea of Japan. Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 2015, vol. 41, iss. 4, pp. 321–323.
- At the end of the bibliographic reference (behind the closing bracket), a digital object identifier (DOI) of the article should be placed, if it exists.
Bibliographical examples in the list of references
Books (monographs, edited books):
- Зенкевич Л. А. Биология морей СССР. Москва : АН СССР, 1963. 739 с. [Zenkevich L. A. Biologiya morei SSSR. Moscow : AN SSSR, 1963, 739 p. (in Russ.)].
- Christensen J. M. Fishes of the British and Northern European seas. Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1978, 128 p.
- Schwarti S. S. Ecological regularities of evolution. Moscow : Nauka, 1982, 278 p. (in Russ.).
- Засосов А. В. Теоретические основы рыболовства. Москва : Пищевая промышленность, 1970. 292 с. [Zasosov A. V. Teoreticheskie osnovy rybolovstva. Moscow : Pishchevaya promyshlennost', 1970, 292 p. (in Russ.)].
- ICES Zooplankton methodology manual / P. Harris, P. H. Wiebe, J. Lenz, H. R. Skjoldal, M. Huntley (Eds). Bodmin ; Cornwall : Academic Press, 2000, 684 p.
Chapters of books and edited books:
- Bradford-Grieve J. M., Markhaseva E. L., Rocha C. E. F., Abiahy B. Copepoda. In: South Atlantic zooplankton / D. Boltovskoy (Ed.). Leiden : Backhuys Publishers, 1999, pp. 869–1098.
- Ivanov L., Beşiktepe S., Ozsoy E. The Black Sea cold intermediate layer. In: Sensitivity to change: Black Sea, Baltic Sea and North Sea / E. Ozsoy, A. Mikaelyan (Eds). Netherlands : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, pp. 253–264. (NATO Asi Series 2, vol. 27).
- Зернов С. А. К вопросу об изучении жизни Черного моря // Записки Императорской Академии наук. СПб., 1913. Т. 32, № 1. 299 с. [Zernov S. A. K voprosu ob izuchenii zhizni Chernogo morya. Zapiski Imperatorskoi Akademii nauk, SPb., 1913, vol. 32, no. 1, 299 p. (in Russ.)].
- Бондарев И. П. Современное состояние популяций рапаны Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) в крымской части ареала // Промысловые биоресурсы Чёрного и Азовского морей / ред.: В. Н. Еремеев, А. В. Гаевская, Г. Е. Шульман, Ю. А. Загородняя. Севастополь : ЭКОСИ-Гидрофизика, 2011. Гл. 5. С. 177–189. [Bondarev I. P. Sovremennoe sostoyanie populyatsii rapany Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) v krymskoi chasti areala. In: Promyslovye bioresursy Chernogo i Azovskogo morei / V. N. Eremeev, A. V. Gaevskaya, G. E. Shulman, Yu. A. Zagorodnyaya (Eds). Sevastopol : EKOSI-Gidrofizika, 2011, ch. 5, pp. 177–189. (in Russ.)].
- Автор А. А., Автор В. В., Автор С. С., Автор Д. Д. Название статьи // Название журнала. 2005. Т. 5, № 2. С. 237–264. [Author A. A., Author B. B., Author C. C., Author D. D. Title of Article (version of the title in English, if there is in a journal, and transliteration in the absence of it). Title of Journal (only transliteration), 2005, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 237–264. (in Russ.)].
- Ярвекюльг А. А. К вопросу об арктической фауне и ее истории в Балтийском море // Океанология. 1962. Т. 2, вып. 2. С. 327–333. [Yarvekyul'g A. A. K voprosu ob arkticheskoi faune i ee istorii v Baltiiskom more. Okeanologiya, 1962, vol. 2, iss. 2, pp. 327–333. (in Russ.)].
- Аболмасова Г. И., Финенко Г. А., Романова З. И., Дацык Н. А., Аннинский Б. Е. Состояние желетелого микрозоопланктона в шельфовой зоне крымского побережья Черного моря в 2009–2010 гг. // Морской экологический журнал. 2012. Т. 11, № 3. С. 17–24. [Abolmasova G. I., Finenko G. A., Romanova Z. A., Datsyk N. A., Anninsky B. E. State of gelatinous macrozooplankton in inshore waters of Crimean coast of the Black Sea in 2009–2010. Morskoj ekologicheskij zhurnal, 2012, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 17–24. (in Russ.)].
- Berg Borsheim K. Y., Bratbak G., Heldal M. High abundance of viruses found in aquatic environments. Nature, 1989, vol. 340, no. 6233, pp. 467–468.
- Sergeeva N. G., Kopytina N. I. The First Marine Filamentous Fungi Discovered in the Bottom Sediments of the Oxic/Anoxic Interface and in the Bathyal Zone of the Black Sea. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2014, vol. 14, no. 1–2, pp. 497–505.
Abstracts of dissertations, dissertations:
- Кузнецов Е. А. Грибы водных экосистем : автореф. дис. … д-ра биол. наук : 03.00.18, 03.00.24. Москва, 2003. 63 с. [Kuznetsov E. A. Griby vodnykh ekosistem: avtoref. dis. … d-ra biol. nauk: 03.00.18, 03.00.24. Moscow, 2003, 63 p. (in Russ.)].
- Кузнецов Е. А. Грибы водных экосистем : дис. … д-ра биол. наук : 03.00.18, 03.00.24. Москва, 2003. 63 с. [Kuznetsov E. A. Griby vodnykh ekosistem. [dissertation]. Moscow, 2003, 63 p. (in Russ.)].
- Beşiktepe S. Studies on some ecological aspects of copepods and chaetognaths in the southern Black Sea, with particular reference to Calanus euxinus. PhD thesis. Ankara, Turkey: IMS-Middle East Technical University, 1998, 204 p.
- Cunningham D. T. A study of the food and feeding relationships of the Alaskan king crab Paralithodes camtschatica. Master thesis. San Diego, California, State College, 1969, 84 p.
Conference proceedings and abstracts:
- Бондарев И. П. Особенности питания и перспективы развития рапаны Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) в Чёрном море // Вопросы сохранения биоразнообразия водных объектов : материалы Междунар. конф. (Ростов-на-Дону, 27 ноября 2015 г.). Ростов-на-Дону : ФГБНУ «АзНИИРХ», 2015. С. 44–48. [Bondarev I. P. Feeding habits and development prospects of rapa whelk Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) in the Black Sea. In: Voprosy sokhraneniya bioraznoobraziya vodnykh ob"ektov: materialy Mezhdunar. konf. (Rostov-on-Don, 27 Nov., 2015). Rostov-on-Don : FGBNU “AzNIIRKh”, 2015, pp. 44–48. (in Russ.)].
- Gulin S. B., Egorov V. N., Polikarpov G. G., Osvath I., Stokozov N. A., Mirzoeva N. Yu., Tereshenko N. N., Gulina L. V., Proskurnin V. Yu. Radiotracers in the Black Sea: a tool for marine environmental assessments. In: Isotopes in Hydrobiology, Marine Ecosystems and Climate Change Studies: proceedings of the International Symposium (Monaco, 27 March – 1 April, 2011). Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 2013, vol. 2, pp. 535–544.
- Chikina M. V., Kucheruk N. V. Contemporary dynamics of coastal benthic communities of the north Caucasian coast of the Black Sea. In: International Workshop on the Black Sea Benthos (Istanbul – Turkey, 18–23 April, 2004). Istanbul, 2004, pp. 155–160.
Electronic materials
- Anderson S. C., Poulsen K. B. Anderson's electronic atlas of hematology [CD-ROM]. Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2002.
Electronic publications:
- Mashukova O., Tokarev Yu. Influence of the temperature at the Black Sea ctenophores-aliens bioluminescence characteristics. Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 2012, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 269–273. URL: [accessed: 17.12.2015].
- Communication of the European Commission to the Council and to the Parliament on a European Community Biodiversity Strategy. URL:
- Адаптационные характеристики водных экосистем [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: [дата обращения: 19.10.2017]. [Adaptatsionnye kharakteristiki vodnykh ekosistem [Electronic resource]. URL: [accessed: 19.10.2017]. (in Russ.)].
- Opinion by written procedure: Assessment of Black Sea Stocks (STECF-OWP-11-06). (Nov. 2011) / G. Dascalov, H.-J. Rätz (Eds). Luxembourg, 2011, 216 p. (Sci., Techn. and Econom. Comm. for Fish. STECF).
- Report of the SGMED-08-03: Working Group on the Mediterranean. Pt. 3. Joint Black Sea Working Group. (9–13 June, 2008, Ispra, Italy) / G. Pilling, A. Cheilari, H.-J. Rätz (Eds). Luxembourg, 2008, 522 p. (Sci., Techn. and Econom. Comm. for Fish. STECF).
- Патент 37571 UA, МПК С12N 1/12, С12R 1/89 Способ культивирования спирулины Spirulina platensis (Nordst.) Geitl. / А. В. Бородина, Р. П. Тренкеншу ; Институт биологии южных морей им. А. О. Ковалевского (Украина). № ГР 2006 04851 ; заявл. 03.05.2006 ; опубл. 10.12.2008. Бюл. № 23. [Patent 37571 UA, MPK C12N 1/12, C12R 1/89 Sposob kul'tivirovaniya spiruliny Spirulina platensis (Nordst.) Geitl. / A. V. Borodina, R. P. Trenkenshu ; Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (Ukraine). No. GR 2006 04851; zayavl. 03.05.2006; opubl. 10.12.2008. Bul. no. 23.].
- Pagedas A. C., inventor; Ancel Surgical R&D Inc., assignee. Flexible endoscopic grasping and cutting device and positioning tool assembly. United States patent US 20020103498. 2002 Aug 1.
Declaration on the publication ethics of the Marine Biological Journal
1. Responsibility of Authors
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