Azovsky Andrey Igorevich

Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Position, academic degree, rank: D. Sc., Prof.
Address: Lenin Hills, 1, building 12, Moscow, 119234, Russian Federation
Research area:
theoretical problems of ecology (structure of communities, biodiversity);
benthic fauna ecology;
Protozoa ecology;
methods of ecological data analysis and computer modeling.
Membership in editorial boards, scientific communities, and other organizations:
member of the editorial board – scientific journal Journal of Oceanological Research;
member of the editorial board – scientific journal Russian Journal of Ecosystem Ecology;
member of the editorial board – scientific journal University Proceedings. Volga Region. Natural Sciences.
Major papers over the past five years:
Azovsky A. I., Chikina M. V., Kolobov M. Y., Naumov A. D., Udalov A. A. Spatiotemporal dynamics of subarctic intertidal macrobenthos: Going their own ways. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 2024, vol. 104, art. no. e32.
Vorobjeva L. V., Reshetov I. S., Azovsky A. I., Kovatcheva N. P., Chertoprud E. S. Patterns of macrozoobenthos distribution in some rivers of European Russia and adjacent regions. Biology Bulletin, 2023, vol. 50, iss. 8, pp. 1758–1781.
Azovsky A. I., Naumov A. D., Savchenko O. N. Long-term dynamics of subarctic intertidal macrofauna: Common trends and the role of local environment. Estuaries and Coasts, 2023, vol. 46, iss. 3, pp. 740–756.
Mosharov S. A., Druzhkova E. I., Sazhin A. F., Khlebopashev P. V., Drozdova A. N., Belyaev N. A., Azovsky A. I. Structure and productivity of the phytoplankton community in the southwestern Kara Sea in early summer. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2023, vol. 11, iss. 4, art. no. 832 (20 p.).
Azovsky A. I., Chertoprud E. S., Garlitska L. A. Community-level spatiotemporal synchrony: New metric and application to White Sea meiobenthic harpacticoids. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2022, vol. 698, pp. 55–68.
Azovsky A. I., Chertoprud E. S., Garlitska L. A. Environmental stability and long-term variability of harpacticoid copepod assemblages. Marine Biology, 2022, vol. 169, iss. 5, art. no. 67 (12 p.).
Azovsky A. I., Chertoprud E. S., Saburova M. A. Small-scale spatiotemporal variability and distance–decay relationships in intertidal micro- and meiobenthic assemblages. Marine Ecology, 2022, vol. 43, iss. 4, art. no. e12704 (11 p.).
Udalov A., Chikina M., Azovsky A., Basin A., Galkin S., Garlitska L., Khusid T., Kondar D., Korsun S., Kremenetskiy V., Makkaveev P., Portnova D., Sapojnikov Ph., Simakov M., Vedenin A., Mokievsky V. Integrity of benthic assemblages along the arctic estuarine-coastal system. Ecological Indicators, 2021, vol. 121, art. no. 107115 (15 p.).
Chertoprud E. S., Frenkel S. E., Novichkova A. A., Sapozhnikov Ph. V., Kalinina O. Y., Chebanova V. V., Azovsky A. I. Harpacticoida (Copepoda) from the pelagic zone of the Sea of Okhotsk: Diversity, spatiotemporal distribution, and role in benthopelagic coupling. Journal of Natural History, 2021, vol. 55, iss. 39–40, pp. 2497–2519.
Azovsky A. I., Chertoprud E. S. Garlitska L. A., Mazei Yu. A. Tikhonenkov D. V. Does size really matter in biogeography? Patterns and drivers of global distribution of marine micro- and meiofauna. Journal of Biogeography, 2020, vol. 47, iss. 5, pp. 1180–1192.
Onipchenko V. G., Kopylova N. A., Kipkeev A. M., Elumeeva T. G., Azovsky A. I., Dudov S. V., Nyaga J. M. Low floristic richness of afro-alpine vegetation of Mount Kenya is related to its small area. Alpine Botany, 2020, vol. 130, iss. 1, pp. 31–39.
Novichkova A. A., Chertoprud E. S., Azovsky A. I. Composition, characteristics, and long-term variability of the freshwater microcrustacean fauna of the Faroe Islands. Journal of Natural History, 2020, vol. 53, iss. 30–40, pp. 2449–2465.