Comparative evaluation of the balance and synoptic methods of determination of the assimilation volume of water ecosystems
The assimilation capacity of sea waters is known to be defined as a maximum dynamic volume of such content of pollutants which can be accumulated, destructed, transformed and excluded out of the limits of the ecosystem during a curtain time period if normal condition functioning of the ecosystem is not disturbed. The paper focuses on comparative analysis of assimilation capacity calculated using balance and synoptic methods. Geometrical representation of the compared methods in 3-D space {Т, V, C} is suggested, where T is time interval, V is water mass volume, C is concentration of pollutants. Quantitative correlation between two considered values of assimilation capacity is given. The results obtained are applied for some areas of coastal northern zones of Azerbaijan sector of the Caspian Sea. It is shown that in winter season the value of assimilation capacity calculated using synoptic method is somewhat lower in comparison with the same parameter calculated by balance method and equal to 0.6–0.8 share of the latter. Such a result can be considered as much better in comparison with the known results where the difference reaches one order.
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