
Pospelova N. V., Egorov V. N., Chelyadina N. S., Nekhoroshev M. V. The copper content in the organs and tissues of Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 and the flow of its sedimentary deposition into bottom sediments in the farms of the Black Sea aquaculture. Marine Biological Journal, 2018, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 64-75. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2018.03.4.07



The role of mussels in formation of water chemical composition is determined by the peculiarities of sorption and trophodynamic processes. Copper is a vital element, but of ten metals the toxic effect of which was tested for the survival of mussel and oyster embryos, copper is following mercury. Studying the regularities of copper content change during mussel ontogeny allows to determine both sanitary and hygienic risks of mussel product use during the mollusks cultivation in mariculture and the biogeochemical role in the formation of the chemical composition of the marine water near mussel farms. The purpose of this work is to determine the copper content in the organs and tissues of the mussels during seasonal course of mollusks ontogenesis, to analyze the degree of copper assimilation along the food path of mineral nutrition using the mathematical model and empirical data and to assess the influence of marine farms on the copper exchange processes in the coastal ecosystem. The mollusks were collected from the mussel farm located in the external roadstead of Sevastopol. Studying the copper content in the environment – mussel – biodeposition system, a method of atomic absorption spectroscopy with electrothermal atomization was used. A general model illustrating the process of copper exchange between the mussels and the water environment is presented. Equations for determining the degree of assimilation of metal from food (q) and the limiting coefficient of food accumulation of metal (Кп) are proposed based on the results of measurements of its concentrations in the mussels’ diet, soft tissue and their biodeposition without using radioactive trace elements. The values of the copper removal by the mussel farm were calculated. The role of cultivated mollusks in the heavy metals precipitation was shown.


N. V. Pospelova



V. N. Egorov



N. S. Chelyadina



M. V. Nekhoroshev




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This work was carried out within the framework of IMBR state research assignment No. АААА-А18-118020890090-2 and АААА-А18-118021350003-6.



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