The taxonomic diversity of mycobiota in the coastal waters of Crimea (the Black Sea)
New information about fungi distribution, change of genera names and change of the systematic attribution of some species determine the necessity of revision of the Crimean coastal waters mycobiota. The purpose of this work is to conduct a revision of fungi names synonymy, to reveal specific richness, to give quantitative evaluation and to perform comparative analysis of the taxonomic diversity of mycobiota of different regions and biotopes in the Black Sea sector of the Crimean coastal waters and west khalistaza on the base of literature and our own data. The following biotopes have been studied: water, bottom sediments, algae, integument of invertebrates, dolphins’ skin, Zostera marina and wood. The taxonomic list of marine mycobiota included 275 species from 105 genera, 40 families, 26 orders, 15 classes, 5 phylum. The number of species in areas has changed from 19 (6.9 % of composition) in west khalistaza to 147 (53.4 %) in Kazach’ya Bay, in biotopes – from 17 (6.2 %) on the skin of dolphins to 157 (57.1 %) in bottom sediments. The valuation of fungal species variety was made with the usage of Taxonomic Distinctness Indices TaxDI (Δ+ and Λ+). The complexity of the minimum taxonomic diversity (Δ+ = 66.4) was identified in the west khalistaza, the maximum – in the Sevastopol’skaya Bay (Δ+ = 80.2). The minimum value of the index (Δ+ = 70.0) was identified in the fragments of wood, the maximum (Δ+ = 86.2) – on invertebrates. The less taxonomic variety was revealed in the complexes, in which the basis of the composition (81.8–89.5 % in areas and 76.5–87.1 % in biotopes) was presented by polyspecies branches of mycobiota from the “leading” families and genera. The number of examined biotopes has determined the distinctive features of the hierarchic diversity of mycobiota. The obligate aquatic fungi isolated from invertebrates and from fragments of wood has affected the structure of fungal complexes. Maximal similarity of mycocomplexes at all taxonomical levels was registered in Kazach’ya and Kamyshovaya bays, minimal – in mycocomplexes of west khalistaza and Sevastopol’skaya Bay. The greatest similarity of structure was registered in biotopes of water and bottom sediments, the smallest – in biotopes of water and wood.
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