The role of algae macrophyte in bioremediation of petroleum products of the Kola Bay of the Barents Sea
The contribution of macroalgae to the removal process of diesel fuel from the Kola Bay of the Barents Sea was estimated. The calculations were based on the results of: 1) recent expeditionary observations of the reserves, spreading, and biomass of algae macrophyte of the phyla Chlorophyta and Rhodophyta, as well as the class Phaeophyceae of the phylum Ochrophyta, inhabiting three bay areas; 2) laboratory research of the ability of macroalgae Ascophyllum nodosum, Fucus vesiculosus, F. distichus, F. serratus, Saccharina latissima, Palmaria palmata, and Ulvaria obscura to neutralize the toxic effect of diesel fuel. As shown, the total contribution of the algae studied into bioremediation of diesel fuel in the bay was of 312 kg·day−1. The differences in the absorption capacity of algae macrophyte were revealed. This process was most efficiently carried out by S. latissima; the minimum efficiency of participation in bioremediation was determined for U. obscura. It was concluded that the existing littoral and sublittoral thickets of marine macroalgae of the Kola Bay can be considered as the key element in the implementation of the preventive, daily cleaning of coastal water from the petroleum products. The inclusion in the calculations of data on the ability of other representatives of the bay phytobenthos to neutralize diesel fuel may increase the role of algae macrophyte in cleaning the coastal marine areas from the petroleum products. As concluded, the thickets of brown algae can be considered as the key component of repair and homeostasis in coastal ecosystems. The destruction of even a part of algae natural communities can change the ecosystem balance.
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