
Grintsov V. A. Taxonomic diversity of Amphipoda (Crustacea) from the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Marine Biological Journal, 2022, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 34-45. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2022.07.1.03



In the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, 140 Amphipoda species were registered belonging to 73 genera, 29 families, and 3 suborders. Taxonomic diversity of amphipods from these two seas was studied. For the investigation, average taxonomic distinctness Δ+ and its variability Λ+ were used, and cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling were applied. By Δ+ index, the taxonomic structure of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov Amphipoda is hierarchically aligned and close to a total taxonomic list of amphipods of these seas. By Λ+ index, the taxonomic structure of Amphipoda both from the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea is close to the average expected level of structure variability of the phylogenetic tree. In the coastal areas of Turkey and Crimea, more Amphipoda species were recorded than in other regions. Out of the Black Sea regions studied by Δ+ and Λ+ indices and multidimensional scaling, two, i. e. northwestern coast and eastern coast (Caucasus), were selected as different ones. The first one is characterized by low taxonomic diversity due to a small number of genera and families against the backdrop of a significant number of species of the Ponto-Caspian fauna. It is associated with the presence of estuaries of large rivers and freshened lagoons. On the contrary, the Black Sea eastern coast is characterized by high taxonomic diversity against the backdrop of a small number of species. It is associated mostly with weak shelf manifestation and close slope of depth, with loose soils being poorly represented. Cluster analysis confirmed that these two Black Sea regions, i. e. northwestern coast and eastern coast, differ from other ones. Moreover, by cluster analysis, the similarity of Amphipoda taxonomic composition for the Black Sea northwestern coast and the Sea of Azov was revealed. Out of all the amphipods, Ponto-Caspian species stand out which inhabit predominantly estuaries of large rivers and freshened lagoons. Those are characterized by a taxonomic structure shifted in terms of taxonomic evenness towards impoverishment; it is due to a small number of genera and families against the backdrop of a significant number of species.


V. A. Grintsov
senior researcher, PhD




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This work was carried out within the framework of IBSS state research assignment “Investigation of mechanisms of controlling production processes in biotechnological complexes with the aim of developing scientific foundations for production of biologically active substances and technical products of marine genesis” (No. 121030300149-0).



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