History of dispersion of the North American polychaete Marenzelleria neglecta Sikorski & Bick, 2004 (Annelida: Spionidae) in the northeastern Sea of Azov
In the early 2010s, the alien polychaete worm Marenzelleria neglecta Sikorski & Bick, 2004 invaded the Sea of Azov. In few years, the species has widely spread over the desalinated sea area. Moreover, it was recorded in the Don delta and in the Sea of Azov–Kuban estuaries. This alien species formed a stable and numerous colony localized in the northeastern Sea of Azov; the history of this formation is traced based on material of complex hydrobiological and hydrological surveys of 2010–2020. The colony of this species developed against the backdrop of an increase in water salinity. Obviously, this factor had a decisive effect on the invasive process. An outbreak of abundance observed in the western Taganrog Bay in 2012 and 2013 was followed by a sharp decrease in abundance – down to complete absence of this polychaete worm in the samples. A drop in abundance was accompanied by a reduction of its range and a shift in the core of abundance towards sea areas with the lowest salinity. To date, there is a stable M. neglecta population in the central and eastern Taganrog Bay. Changes in the structure of prevalence in benthic communities during invasion were analyzed. As shown, the ratio of alien polychaetes in the periods of their mass development reached 92 % of the total abundance of benthos at individual stations.
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