Dynamics of free amino acids in the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus Linnaeus, 1753 from the Barents Sea throughout the year
Free amino acids (FAA) are a significant biochemical component of any cell. Their composition and content depend on physiological state, abiotic environmental factors, and a developmental phase of the organism. Their functions in plants are very diverse; those include participation in both the synthesis of proteins and other compounds and the adaptation to adverse environmental conditions. Information on the FAA dynamics is of key importance for understanding their role in formation of algae resistance to varying environmental factors. The aim of this study is to determine the FAA content in the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus and its seasonal changes, as well as to reveal the dependence on environmental factors and the alga developmental phase. The alga for research was sampled in the Kola Bay littoral (the Barents Sea) during low tide once a month from December 2015 to December 2016. The middle part of the thallus was used for the study. The FAA qualitative and quantitative composition was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. The FAA qualitative composition did not change throughout the year; in the FAA pool, glutamic and aspartic acids, alanine, and proline prevailed. The FAA content varied throughout the year; the maximum amount was recorded in spring–summer. The FAA content depended on external environmental factors. The correlations were determined between the content of individual FAA and air temperature, water temperature, and salinity. The FAA dynamics in different developmental phases of F. vesiculosus was associated with processes occurring in the alga; it is affected by growth rate, cell metabolic activity, photosynthesis rate, and generative development. Each phase was characterized by its own dynamics of the FAA content. Based on the dynamics of the FAA concentration in F. vesiculosus, correspondences were found with the developmental phases – dormancy, growth activation, growth, and storage. Free glutamate and aspartate may act as one of the reserve sources of organic nitrogen in this alga. Apparently, the transport of organic forms of nitrogen in F. vesiculosus thallus is carried out by glutamate, aspartate, alanine, and proline.
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