Competitive advantages of the diatom Skeletonema costatum Cleve, 1873 in the Black Sea in the winter–spring period
Individual physiological features of the Skeletonema costatum vegetation under low light intensity and low temperature are described; these peculiarities allow the species to prevail in the Black Sea phytoplankton in winter and early spring. This marine diatom is characterized by high growth efficiency under light-limiting conditions (0.13 day−1·(µE·m−2·s−1)−1) which indicates an increase in the specific growth rate of the alga with a rise in light intensity by 1 µE·m−2·s−1. Moreover, the species is characterized by low values of the light intensity saturating the growth – 12 µE·m−2·s−1 at +5 °C and 18 µE·m−2·s−1 at +10 °C. At +5…+10 °C, S. costatum growth rate is about 2 times higher than that of other representatives of the Black Sea phytoplankton in the winter–spring period. This diatom shows increased sensitivity to high light intensity: at +10 °C, photoinhibition of microalgae growth is observed under light intensity above 120 µE·m−2·s−1.
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