
Trenkenshu R. P. Relationship between growth characteristics of microalgae culture and age-specific cell state in ontogenesis (probabilistic model). Marine Biological Journal, 2023, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 99-108. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2023.08.1.09



The article presents a quantitative model of the dependence of the morphological structure of the continuous microalgae culture on external lighting and species-specific cell parameters. The modeling is based on the concept of two main phases that make up the cell life cycle – interphase and division phase. The interphase is regarded as a light-dependent process during which cell biomass increases. The division phase does not depend on light and occurs when a cell reaches a certain mass equal to (or higher than) the sum of masses of daughter cells. The division stage ends with cytokinesis: a cell splits into daughter cells. The age-specific microalgae cell state is characterized by the value of its biomass, while transitions from one state to another are characterized by the activity (growth and division). The model is represented by a system of differential equations that fully describe the dynamics of ontogenesis. A particular solution of the model for dynamically equilibrium growth of microalgae in the culture at different light intensity is analyzed. As shown, in the continuous microalgae culture under photolithotrophic conditions, the specific growth rate is related to the morphological structure of the cell population by simple directly proportional equations with species-specific coefficients. These coefficients are the maximum growth rate in the interphase (at saturating light intensity) and cell division activity in mitosis.


R. P. Trenkenshu
leading researcher, PhD




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This work was carried out within the framework of IBSS state research assignment “Investigation of mechanisms of controlling production processes in biotechnological complexes with the aim of developing scientific foundationsfor production of biologically active substances and technical products of marine genesis” (No. 121030300149-0).



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