
Beskaravayny M. M., Giragosov V. E. Features of hydrophilic birds wintering at sea coasts of Southern Crimea under conditions of the mild winter 2019/2020. Marine Biological Journal, 2023, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 3-15. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2023.08.1.01



In the Southern Crimea, the main winter habitat for hydrophilic birds is the coastal zone. In this area, species and quantitative composition of birds has been studied quite fully, inter alia under extreme cold conditions. A comparison of features of bird wintering in warm and cold winters is of interest since it allows to clarify the effect of weather conditions on the state of ornithological complexes and dynamics of intra-regional bird migrations. The aim of this research was to identify the species composition, abundance, and biotopic distribution of hydrophilic birds in the Southern Crimea under mild winter conditions. The study was carried out in the area from the Primorsky village near Feodosiya to Sevastopol (about 250 km) in the winter 2019/2020 characterized by prevalence of positive temperatures. The main coastal biotopes were surveyed: water areas off the open sea coasts, closed bays, and liman lakes. Off the open coasts, 24 species were revealed; this is significantly less than in cold seasons (for comparison: 41 species wintered there in the cold winter 2012). Lari and Anseriformes prevailed in species diversity. High abundance and active longshore migration of Levantine shearwater and great cormorant were recorded. The abundance of Anseriformes, coot, and some gull species was lower than in cold winters. In Sevastopol bays, 29 species were registered (for comparison: 35 species wintered there in cold January 2008). Anseriformes and Lari prevailed in species diversity, while coot and black-headed gull prevailed in abundance. On liman lakes, 24 wintering species were noted; coot and Anseriformes, mainly common pochard, prevailed in abundance. In total, 44 bird species (61.1% of wintering in the area) representing 11 orders were recorded in all the studied biotopes in the mild winter 2019/2020. The features of this winter were high abundance of Levantine shearwater and wintering of red-throated diver, parasitic jaeger, and Bewick’s swan.


M. M. Beskaravayny
senior researcher, PhD



V. E. Giragosov




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This work was carried out within the framework of KSS – Nature Reserve of RAS – Branch of IBSS state research assignment No. 121032300023-7 and IBSS state research assignment No. 121030100028-0.



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