
Prazukin A. V., Lee R. I., Balycheva D. S., Firsov Yu. K., Kholodov V. V. Cladophora (Chlorophyta) as an ecological engineer in hypersaline lake Chersonesskoye: Distribution of diatom algae in the structured space of plant mats. Marine Biological Journal, 2023, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 62-86. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2023.08.3.05



The genus Cladophora is one of the largest genera of green algae, representatives of which are found in all water bodies throughout the world. Cladophora creates habitats for different groups of organisms, including epiphytic unicellular algae. The aim of the article is to examine the vertical distribution of diatoms in the structured space of Cladophora mats and in benthic sediments of a hypersaline lake in Crimea. In the vertical structure of the Cladophora mat, the floating and benthic mats were distinguished, each having a characteristic structure. The total of 20 diatom species of 12 genera were observed throughout this study. The total abundance of diatoms and their biomass on Cladophora (per unit of dry biomass) and in benthic sediments (per unit of dry mass) varied over a wide range. On Cladophora, the abundance varied from 1.85 × 106 to 69.52 × 106 cells·g−1, and the biomass, from 7.77 to 157.43 mg·g−1. In the bottom sediment, the abundance varied from 6.05 × 106 to 16.87 × 106 cells·g−1, and the biomass, from 7.76 to 36.39 mg·g−1. The share of the diatom biomass in the wet mass of the entire Cladophora mat averaged 1.06%.


A. V. Prazukin

leading researcher, D. Sc.



R. I. Lee




D. S. Balycheva

senior researcher, PhD



Yu. K. Firsov

senior researcher, PhD



V. V. Kholodov

leading engineer




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Field work, sample processing, data analysis, and this manuscript writing were supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant No. 18-16-00001 for Aleksander Prazukin and Daria Balycheva). The study of the diatom species composition was carried out within the framework of IBSS state research assignment No. 121041500203-3, 121030300149-0, and 121041400077-1.



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