Functional morphology and morphological variability of the operculum of Rapana venosa (Gastropoda, Muricidae)
The gastropod Rapana venosa has spread from the Western Pacific to the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and coastal areas on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean largely due to its ecological and morphological plasticity. Numerous works have been devoted to the study of the variability of the rapa whelk shell. The functional morphology and morphological variability of the R. venosa operculum have been insufficiently studied, and the description of this exosomatic organ is given only schematically. Based on the analysis of 190 R. venosa specimens sampled in two areas of the Black Sea, detailed description is given, and trends in the morphological variability of the operculum are shown depending on the specimen age and size. The characteristics determining the normal and aberrant development of the operculum are evaluated. It is shown for the first time that R. venosa has regenerative capabilities, up to the restoration of the lost operculum, and morphogenetic adaptive potential. A manifestation of this potential is the formation of a hypertrophied large operculum, with the shape that is not characteristic of any other Muricidae species and gastropods in general. Apparently, the abnormal size and shape of the operculum are a defensive response to pressure from predators, especially crabs. The previously unknown ability to regenerate the operculum broadens the understanding of the physiological capabilities of the rapa whelk. The phenomenon of operculum formation with a unique shape for gastropods is another manifestation of morphological plasticity, which made R. venosa one of the most successful invasive species in the modern marine environment.
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