
Smolkova O. Current state of the population and features of the distribution of the soft-shell clams Mya arenaria Linnaeus, 1758 in the Kola Bay of the Barents Sea. Marine Biological Journal, 2024, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 66-83. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2024.09.3.07



The soft-shell clam Mya arenaria Linnaeus, 1758 is a boreal bivalve. The range of this species covers coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the northeastern Pacific Ocean, and seas of the Arctic Ocean (the Barents and White seas). M. arenaria settlements can occupy vast areas along the coasts, where the molluscs form large aggregations and prevail in biomass among representatives of littoral macrozoobenthos. This species can withstand fluctuations in environmental factors and affect detritus formation and sedimentation. The mollusc juveniles inhabiting upper layers of the sediment are an important food object for seabirds and commercial fish species. High tolerance allows considering M. arenaria as an indicator of the effect of climate change on the Arctic ecosystem. Obtaining new data on peculiarities of the species biology is necessary to identify general patterns of development of benthic organisms under varying conditions of the marine environment, to understand adaptive characteristics of certain long-lived high-tolerant molluscs, and to assess the effect of environmental factors on them. The investigation of M. arenaria biology may be of practical significance as well: this species may become one of promising objects of mariculture in the Arctic region. The paper provides the results of a study of the current state of the soft-shell clam population and features of its distribution in the Kola Bay of the Barents Sea. Material was sampled during MMBI RAS coastal expedition in 2021. Quantitative characteristics and size and age structure of the mollusc settlements were analyzed. M. arenaria aggregations were recorded in the intertidal zone of the western and eastern shores of the middle and southern bay areas. The mollusc settlements in the intertidal zone off the Elovyi Cape (the Tuloma River mouth) were found for the first time during the entire period of research in the Kola Bay (1921–2021). The highest abundance was registered in the Khlebnaya Bay (67.1 ind.·m−2), and the lowest one was noted in the Belokamennaya Bay (5.0 ind.·m−2). There were no abundant aggregations in the intertidal zone off the cape Abram-mys and in the Vayenga Bay. Settlements in the Kola Bay are represented by the soft-shell clams aged 4 to 14 years, with the size varying 17.5 to 91.2 mm. Apparently, M. arenaria distribution and quantitative and morphometric characters of its settlements are related to hydrological features of the bay (the intensity of movement of water masses in small bights and cyclonic movement of water masses in the southern bay area). An increase in the mollusc abundance and an expansion of its range may be interpreted as a response to climate change in the Arctic region and an indicator of reduction of anthropogenic load on coastal communities throughout the Kola Bay.


O. Smolkova
researcher, PhD




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The work was carried out within the framework of MMBI RAS state research assignment No. 9-22-01 (1.6.16) “Bottom biocenoses of the Barents Sea, its drainage basin, and adjacent waters under modern conditions,” state registration No. 122020900044-2 (FMEE-2022-0001).



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