
Zagorodnyaya Yu., Drapun I., Prusova I., Popova E. New records of copepods Oithona nana and Acartia margalefi from the Black Sea off the coast of the Crimea. Marine Biological Journal, 2024, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 106-110. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2024.09.4.08



Oithona nana and Acartia margalefi, native Black Sea copepods which were not recorded in coastal waters of the Crimea in 1990–2000, were registered in 2020 and 2023 in the course of local zooplankton research along the southern coast of the Crimea, inshore Gurzuf, and during the 126th and 127th cruises of the RV “Professor Vodyanitsky.” This short communication provides data on location of the finding sites and presents photographs of these two species.


Yu. Zagorodnyaya

senior researcher, PhD



I. Drapun
senior researcher, PhD



I. Prusova

senior researcher, PhD



E. Popova

leading engineer




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This work was carried out within the framework of IBSS state research assignment “Biodiversity as the basis for the sustainable functioning of marine ecosystems, criteria and scientific principles for its conservation” (No. 124022400148-4) and “Transformation of the structure and functions of marine pelagic ecosystems under the anthropogenic load and climate change” (No. 124030400057-4).



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