Factors affecting the reproduction of Littorina obtusata population (Gastropoda: Littorinidae) in the White Sea
Studying the factors that affect the population size is necessary for understanding the functioning of natural ecosystems and for planning of measures for environmental protection and management. Periwinkles of the genus Littorina are an important component of the intertidal ecosystems in the Northern Hemisphere, but the factors involved in their population dynamics are still poorly understood. This paper presents the data obtained during monitoring surveys of Littorina obtusata in 2001–2020. During this period, quasi-cyclic changes in periwinkles population density were observed around the average level, which is about 2.6 thousand ind.·m−2. A total of 67 variables characterizing the state of the studied L. obtusata population and the effect of key environmental factors were analyzed. Fluctuations in recruitment were found to account for 83% of observed changes in population density. Multiple regression analysis showed that 78% of changes in the reproduction rate of L. obtusata population were determined by four variables: density of individuals aged two years and older, biomass of a brown alga Fucus vesiculosus, precipitation in July, and biomass of a bivalve Mytilus edulis. The first variable reflects the rate of intraspecific competition, the second, the ability of a given habitat to support a mollusc population of a certain size, and the third, the effect of environmental factors. The connection between the reproduction rate of periwinkle population and bivalve biomass can be explained either by the existence of some common factor with which both variables are correlated, or by the presence of interspecific interactions between M. edulis and L. obtusata.
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