Abnormal decrease in abundance and biomass of population of Calanus euxinus (Copepoda) in the deep-sea areas of the Black Sea in autumn 2019: What is happening with the ecosystem?
During plankton sampling in deep and shelf areas of the Black Sea off the Crimea in October 2019 (the 110th cruise of the RV “Professor Vodyanitsky”), the quantitative distribution, abundance, biomass, size and age structures, and lipid reserves of Calanus euxinus Hulsemann, 1991 population were studied. Zooplankton was sampled with the Bogorov–Rass net (inlet area of 0.5 m², and mesh size of 300 μm) by vertical net hauls from the bottom or the lower boundary of the oxygen zone to the sea surface. Size and age of C. euxinus were determined under a stereomicroscope in a laboratory. Lipid reserves in the population were estimated based on the specific oil sac volume at the late copepodite stages. As shown, in 2019, ongoing warming in the Sea of Azov–Black Sea region led to a decrease in C. euxinus abundance and biomass in deep-sea areas down to (5.3 ± 0.5) thousand ind.·m−2 and (3.7 ± 0.3) g·m−2, respectively, and also to changes in the population structure. Partly, these phenomena could be related to a weakening of winter convective mixing in the sea. Probably, a drop in river inflow after severe drought in 2018–2019 was even more important for C. euxinus, as it dramatically reduced the supply of nutrients to the sea. Due to a weak transfer of nitrates, phosphates, and especially silicates with the river flow, abundant phytoplankton (first of all, diatoms critically needing silicates) had insufficient mineral sources for its development in 2019 and, correspondingly, could not satisfy C. euxinus trophic requirements at the level of previous years. An increase in lipid content of V copepodites in autumn 2019 is explicable by an abnormally low density of C. euxinus population that year driven, apparently, by an extremely high biomass of planktivorous jellyfish, especially the medusa Aurelia aurita Linnaeus, 1757, in winter–spring 2017–2018.
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