
Al Jufaili S., Chesalin M. Comparison of population parameters of the Indian oil sardine Sardinella longiceps from the Muscat region (Sultanate of Oman) in 1997 and 2020–2021. Marine Biological Journal, 2025, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 3-20. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2025.10.1.01



The Indian oil sardine Sardinella longiceps plays a key role in the coastal ecosystem of Oman and its fisheries. Total sardine landings along the Omani coast have increased dramatically: from approximately 17,000 t in 1997 to 440,000 t in 2021. A comparison of S. longiceps size structure, length–weight relationship, maturity, spawning seasons, growth, mortality parameters, and some stock characteristics in 1997 and in 2020–2021, as well as data obtained during earlier studies in Oman, shows that the biological structure of the population has been relatively stable over the time. The exploitation rate was higher than 0.5, and although the Indian oil sardine can sustain high exploitation rates, its stock in the Omani waters was overexploited. The biological data acquired during the present study provide a basis for management of the fishery; however, monitoring of catches should be continued, so that a longer time series of biological information can be collected and analyzed.


S. Al Jufaili

head of the department


M. Chesalin

senior researcher, PhD




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This work is part of the Sultan Qaboos University funded project (IG/AGR/FISH/20/01) and IBSS state research assignment “Functional, metabolic, and molecular genetic mechanisms of marine organism adaptation to conditions of extreme ecotopes of the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov, and other areas of the World Ocean” (No. 124030100137-6).



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