
Yurakhno V. The influence of water salinity on the distribution of myxosporeans of the genus Kudoa (Cnidaria, Myxozoa) among fish of the world fauna. Marine Biological Journal, 2025, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 85-107. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2025.10.1.07



The occurrence of myxosporeans of the genus Kudoa in fish inhabiting waters of different salinity was studied. The work is based on own materials on fish myxosporeans sampled in 1987–2021: more than 12,000 specimens of about 100 fish species in the basins of the Atlantic Ocean [the Sea of Azov (Russia and Ukraine), Black Sea (Russia, Ukraine, and Turkey), and Mediterranean Sea (Italy and Spain); the Central Eastern Atlantic (abeam Mauritania) and southern latitudes off the coast of Africa (abeam Namibia); waters of the northern (near Norway) and southern (abeam Argentina) parts of the ocean; and off the southeastern coast of the USA], the Indian Ocean [the coast of Yemen], and the Pacific Ocean [South China Sea (Vietnam)]. In total, 27 representatives of myxosporeans of the genus Kudoa were analyzed using original material; out of them, 19 were identified down to the species level. Also, all available literature sources and a global database of fish species FishBase were investigated. As established, out of 291 species of fish hosting Kudoa, 169 species are exclusively marine, 76 species can inhabit marine- and brackish-water environments, 42 species are euryhaline and can occur both in marine and brackish waters and in freshwater, and only 4 species are exclusively freshwater ones. Out of 128 Kudoa species, 117 (91.4%) were found in the marine zone of the World Ocean; 8 (6.3%), in its estuaries (7, in marine fish; 1, in a freshwater host); and 3 (2.3%), in freshwater reservoirs. In 2008–2019, Kudoa nova Naidenova, 1975 was studied in estuarine-type ecosystems off the coast of the Crimea at the Chernaya River mouth and Karkinitsky Bay (the Black Sea), as well as in Eastern Sivash (the Sea of Azov). A total of 2,232 specimens of 11 goby species were examined. As established, the periodic desalination of some areas by waters of paddy fields and the constant occurrence of freshwater in a surface layer of the Chernaya River mouth did not cause a noticeable change in salinity (except for the northern area of Eastern Sivash) which would be destructive for this parasitic species. However, there were no K. nova in gobies caught in 1998 in the Taganrog Bay (the Sea of Azov) significantly desalinated by the Don River water. Also, this species was not recorded in 2011 in the Bug and Vistula rivers when studying microparasites of gobies that spread from the northwestern Black Sea along the central invasive corridor. Our experiment testified to the negative influence of freshwater on spores of this parasite: under its effect, spores were deformed and darkened, and the function of the polar filament extrusion was disrupted.


V. Yurakhno

leading researcher, PhD




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