Concept of environmentally friendly protection against sea fouling and its development using epoxy-rubber coats
The authors’ concept of environmentally friendly defense against marine biofouling is elaborated. Three ways of its implementation are considered: non-biocidal antiadhesive protection with the use of some metal oxides and organics and also coats with reduced environmental impact due to partial substitution of the DBA antiadhesive component for copper. The basic coat used was KELT-2 developed at S. V. Lebedev Synthetic Rubber Research Institute. The antifouling substances and coats were studied in the laboratory using methods of experimental biology, and the coats were tested in the marine environment using vane-like mobile stands. The results of technical and biological tests of epoxy-rubber coats at the White Sea and the Black Sea demonstrated their high efficiency in comparison with common ship paints. The prospects of further development of ecologically safe antiadhesive coats and copper-based coats with reduced environmental impact are discussed.
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