Copper sulphate impact on growth and cell morphology of clonal strains of four benthic diatom species (Bacillariophyta) from the Black Sea
Many species of benthic diatoms (Bacillariophyta) are sensitive to ecological stressors and therefore changes in its parameters of development under various toxicants’ impact can be considered as bioindicators on indirect assessment of the environment quality. The study is focused on investigation of the population growth and changes in morphologic features of diatom cells in cloned cultures under single addition of copper sulfate (CuSo4) in five successively decreasing concentrations (128 mkg∙l-1 to 8 mkg∙l-1 of copper ions). The cloned cultures of 4 marine benthic species Bacillariophyta: Cyclophora tenuis Castracane 1878, Psammodictyon panduriforme var. continua (Grunow) Snoeijs 1998, Entomoneis paludosa (W. Smith) Reimer in Patrick & Reimer 1975 and Haslea sp. were used in experiments. The first two taxa were reported from the Black Sea diatom flora for the first time. By the results of 10-days toxicological experiments was ascertain that according to resistance to the toxicant the considered species are split into two groups. The mostly sensitive species P. panduriforme var. continua and Haslea sp. stopped population growth already at the minimum concentration of toxicant (8 mkg∙l-1 Cu2+). Toxic benchmark of the copper sulphate causing to termination of cell development and growth of cell number for these 2 species is very low and falls within range 0 to 8 mkg∙l-1 Cu2+. Considering moderately tolerant species E. paludosa, the threshold concentration of copper ions is 16 mkg∙l-1, when differences in average cell number comparing with the control level are statistically significant under various exposure time of experiments. For tolerant C. tenuis the threshold concentration of Cu2+ is 32 mkg∙l-1 by which depression of cell growth always significantly differed from the control. By low concentrations of copper ions (8 and 16 mkg∙l-1), increasing the cell number of moderately tolerant species along to extension of experiments can be well extrapolated by power function (for C. tenuis) or by sigmoid function (for E. paludosa). In the control, population growth of all 4 investigated diatom species can be approximated by the exponential curve fitting for different duration of experiments (3 to 10 days). The certain peculiarities of diatom cells response under high concentration of toxicant, such as abnormality of morphogenesis and multiple non-separations of valves from any one side of cell after vegetative phase of cytokinesis were marked.
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