Concentration of arsenic in the tissues of cultivated mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam., water and bottom sediments (Crimea, Black Sea)
Arsenic is one of the toxicants for which standards for maximum permissible concentrations in edible marine organisms have been developed. In view of this, monitoring of the content of arsenic in cultivated mussels, as well as in water and soil in the aquatic area of the marine farms for the cultivation of bivalve mollusks is important. The content of arsenic in the samples was determined using the method of inversion voltammetry. The average annual concentration of arsenic in the water area of the marine farm in the Karantinnaya Bay was found to be 1.2 times lower than those stipulated by the fishery standards, and in bottom sediments it was 1.5 times lower than those indicated in the “Dutch Lists” standards. The concentration of arsenic in the mussels is almost an order of magnitude lower than its maximum permissible concentrations in food and, in particular, in molluscs.
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