Taxonomic composition and seasonal dynamics of meroplankton in the area of mussel-oyster farm (Sevastopol, Black Sea)
Organizing mussel-oysters farm, it is necessary to take into account data about dynamics of the number of cultivated objects and associated species that either facilitate formation of species community at collectors or may adversely affect the quality and quantity of expected product. Monitoring of meroplankton in aquatory of mussel-oysters farm located in outer harbor of Sevastopol Bay was performed in 2014–2017. Material was collected daily with Juday net (input hole diameter is 36 cm, mesh aperture is 135 μm). A water layer from bottom to surface (10–0 meters) was examined. Live material was treated by total calculation of larvae number in Bogorov chamber with binocular MBC-9. Larvae of 62 species of benthic invertebrates, including 9 species of Bivalvia, 15 species of Gastropoda, 19 species of Polychaeta, 2 species of Cirripedia, 12 species of Decapoda and 5 species of other taxonomical groups, were identified. Taxonomic composition of meroplankton depended on reproduction periods of benthic invertebrates and changed seasonally. From December to February the quantity of meroplankton was not more than 195 specimens per cubic meter, the number of species was 6. The increase of species number and quantity of larvae was observed from July to September. Maximal quantity of meroplankton was recorded in August, 2014. The seasonal dynamics of quantity of mussel larvae Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 and potential cultivated object, inflated ark Anadara kagoshimensis (Tokunaga, 1906), was studied. Larvae of M. galloprovincialis were observed in plankton from September to May. They were not found in summer months. The increase of their number was recorded in April, and in September and October. Winter spawning of mussels was observed in December and January at 8.0–8.9 °С water temperature. Larvae of inflated ark A. kagoshimensis were observed from July to November, and their number significantly increased in September. Data for the occurrence of larvae of invertebrates, which have a negative effect on cultivated mollusks, have been given. Veliger larvae of carnivorous gastropoda Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) were observed from July to October. Larvae of polidora-perforator Polydora websteri Hartman in Loosanoff & Engle, 1943 were observed from June to October. Larvae of polychaeta Hydroides dianthus (Verril, 1873) were recorded in October. Nauplius larvae of barnacke Amphibalanus improvisus Darwin, 1854 were observed throughout the year. Their number was increasing from March to July, and in October and November. Planning hydraulic engineering works in mussel-oysters farm, it is necessary to take into account a period of presence of larvae in plankton.
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