Meiosis, embryonic, and larval development of the Black Sea scallop Flexopecten glaber ponticus (Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1889) (Bivalvia, Pectinidae)
The bivalve Flexopecten glaber ponticus is an endemic and extinguishing species of the Black Sea listed in Red book of Crimea. The sequence of meiosis stages following fertilization; embryonic and larval development of F. glaber ponticus were studied. The bivalve reproduces in June and July; these mollusks are simultaneous hermaphrodites. When spawning stimulated, fertilization of mature ova 54.7 ± 2.11 mkm in diameter take place at the first metaphase stage of meiosis. There were 12 bivalents with the sizes from 1.59 to 4.54 mkm on the metaphase plate. The duration of meiosis stage, embryonic and larvae development were determined. The structure of veliger provinculum was described. Right and left lock-valves consist of 4 teeth: two of them are on the front and back side on each valve. Measurements of larvae are presented. The description of shell and lock morphology will enable identification of F. glaber ponticus larvae at planktonic veliger stage. The data on duration of meiosis stage, embryonic and larvae development can be used in developing biotechnics of bivalve reproduction.
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