
Samotoy Yu. V., Zuev G. V. Reproductive ecology of Atherina hepsetus L. (Pisces: Atherinidae) of the west coast of Crimea. Marine Biological Journal, 2016, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 43-50. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2016.01.2.05



Atherina hepsetus L. (Atherinidae) is a numerous pelagic species in the Azov – Black Sea basin and the subject of fishery in some areas. However, information about biology and ecology of this species has been very scanty and fragmentary until nowadays. This work is devoted to the study of interannual and seasonal variability of some individual and population reproductive parameters of A. hepsetus of the west coast of Crimea in theBlack Sea. Fish were caught by trap-nets during 2010–2014 with intervals for 2–3 times per month. 2043 specimens were studied. Concepts of general, population and mass reproductive periods were studied for the first time; interannual changes of their duration and calendar dates of beginning and end of spawning were established. The intensity and spawning seasonal dynamics, gonad development in males and females were studied. The individual and population values of gonadosomatic index were identified. The range of reproductive water temperature variability (8.5–14.5 °C) and the zone of the most favorable spawning temperature (9–12 °C) were found.


Yu. V. Samotoy



G. V. Zuev




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