
Bondarev I. P., Boltachova N. A. Consorts of gastropod Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) in the northern Black Sea. Part V: Annelida (Polychaeta). Marine Biological Journal, 2021, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 18-32. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2021.06.2.02



The study of Annelida (Polychaeta) taxocene – epibionts of the invasive gastropod Rapana venosa – continues the cycle of publications describing the composition of the consortium of the largest gastropod of the Black Sea benthos. R. venosa consortium is still a poorly investigated and unaccounted component in the structure of the Black Sea shelf biocenoses. The aim of this work is to study the complex of polychaetes of R. venosa consortium. The objectives of this stage are as follows: compiling a list of Annelida (Polychaeta) taxa – rapa whelk epibionts; studying taxocene biogeographic and trophic structure; and analyzing ecological relationships of polychaetes with the consortium core. To study the consort community of rapa whelk, sampling was conducted in seven areas of the northern Black Sea: 1 – Mamaia, Romania; 2 – northwestern Black Sea, Crimea offshore; 3 – Sevastopol; 4 – Alupka; 5 – Yalta – Alushta; 6 – Karadag; 7 – Kerch Strait. In the coastal area down to a depth of 15 m, R. venosa was sampled totally using surface-supplied diving equipment; in the deeper-water area (down to 40 m), samples were taken with an “Ocean-50” bottom grab from the board of the RV “Professor Vodyanitsky”. Each rapa whelk specimen (sample) was placed in a separate plastic bag, with the indication of the area, depth, and biotope. In total, 2,411 samples were taken and analyzed: 977 – rock rapa whelks and 1,434 – sand rapa whelks. R. venosa shell coverage with epibionts (fouling intensity) was determined as a percentage of the total area of the outer shell surface. Polychaeta taxocene of R. venosa consortium includes 31 species representing 31 genera of 15 families of 2 subclasses. Most species (18) belong to Errantia, and half of them are representatives of the families Nereididae and Syllidae. Sedentaria includes 13 species; by the largest number of species (4), the family Serpulidae is represented. Polychaeta taxocene of R. venosa consortium is represented by three biogeographic groups: native species of the Mediterranean-Atlantic genesis (84 %), the Black Sea endemics (10 %), and recent invaders of various geographical genesis (6 %). On sand rapa whelk, 31 Polychaeta species were found; on rock rapa whelk, only 5 species were recorded. The indicators of Polychaeta fauna development differ significantly by the depth and research area. The most diverse polychaetes are those in bays of Sevastopol (the area No. 3) at depths of 2–10 m; the maximum depth of Polychaeta finding (40 m) corresponds to the greatest depth of rapa whelk sampling. The area of shell coverage with polychaetes reaches 70 %; occurrence in several areas is up to 95 %. The maximum number of species found at a single rapa whelk specimen is 8; on average, 2–4 Polychaeta species are recorded at R. venosa individuals. Taxonomic diversity and abundance of polychaetes determine their significance in R. venosa consortium. Due to the invasive predatory mollusc R. venosa, polychaetes get additional opportunities for spread on the Black Sea shelf.


I. P. Bondarev

leading researcher, PhD



N. A. Boltachova

senior researcher, PhD




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This work has been carried out within the framework of IBSS state research assignment “Regularities of formation and anthropogenic transformation of biodiversity and biological resources of the Sea of Azov – Black Sea basin and other areas of the World Ocean” (No. 121030100028-0).



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