
Davidovich N. A., Davidovich O. I., Podunay Yu. A. Diatom culture collection of the Karadag scientific station (Crimea). Marine Biological Journal, 2017, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 18-28. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2017.02.1.03



Diatoms present one of the most diverse groups of microalgae: there are about 30 thousands recognized species and existence of 100 thousand species is supposed in total. In the course of evolution, which was accompanied by two phases of symbiogenesis and significant lateral gene migration from prokaryotes and protozoa, diatoms inherited a unique set of genes, pathways of biosynthesis, and physiological properties. The use by human of genetic and bioproduction potential of diatoms is extremely low. There are several reasons for such a situation, among them a weak knowledge of the diatom biology and very low, in contrast to other groups of unicellular algae, their representation in culture collections. Isolation of clones (strains) and establishing new cultures is at first glance a trivial task, however, when trying to estimate the number of species maintaining in the world famous collections in the form of live cultures, we have to recognize the fact that in practice it is not solved. A possible explanation for this is that there is no experience sufficient for cultivation of diatoms and right idea about their life cycles. At Karadag research station, studying of diatoms has been lasting for over forty years. Three generations of researchers has accumulated vast experience in isolation and maintenance of clonal cultures. To date, a working collection has been formed, which includes more than 400 clones belonging to 27 marine and 7 freshwater species. The cultures are kept in liquid media and regularly reinoculated. The origin of clones, in addition to the Black Sea, covers different regions of the oceans; freshwater species were taken from many regions throughout Eurasia. The culture collection is important for research work, in particular for study of reproductive peculiarities, species biogeography, intraspecific variation; but it has also significant potential for practical use.


N. A. Davidovich



O. I. Davidovich



Yu. A. Podunay




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This work is carried out within the framework of KSS–NR RAS state research assignment No. АААА-А16-116022510089-9.



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