
Ponomareva E. N., Krasilnikova A. A., Belaya M. M., Kovalenko M. V. Preservation of biological diversity by cryopreservation methods: Experience of the Southern Scientific Center of the RAS. Marine Biological Journal, 2022, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 80-87. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2022.07.3.07



One of the promising directions for increasing animal genetic diversity is the formation of cryobanks and long-term storage of reproductive cells in liquid nitrogen. Methods of sperm cryopreservation are known for more than 200 fish species. The resistance to sperm cryodamage in different fish species varies dramatically. There is no unified cryopreservation technique for fish since the habitats vary greatly for different species. In Russia, cryopreserved sperm is currently used extremely insufficiently in aquaculture, but the practice dictates the need for widespread use of cryosperm to solve the problems of producing high-quality fish seed material and for breeding work. The formation of cryobanks is very relevant due to extensive development of aquaculture. Providing commercial and farm enterprises with elite genetic material capable of reproduction at any time of the year will allow not only to set up a biotechnological process, but also to eliminate inbreeding.


E. N. Ponomareva
chief researcher, D. Sc.



A. A. Krasilnikova
senior researcher, PhD



M. M. Belaya
researcher, PhD



M. V. Kovalenko
senior researcher, PhD




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This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 21-16-00118; the Bioresource Collection of Rare and Endangered Fish Species of the SSC RAS No. 73602 was used.



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