Quantitative structure of the sea ice microalgae community (Russky Island, Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan)
For the Russian coast of the Sea of Japan, a study of the quantitative structure of sea ice microalgae was carried out for the first time. The investigation covered biotopes of ice core and under-ice phytoplankton of two Russky Island bays during winter season of 2020 and 2021. In total, 88 microalgae species from 50 genera and 7 divisions were identified. As found, the ice microalgae flora was characterized by a greater species richness than the phytoplankton biotope. Out of prevailing species, the most abundant ones were planktonic diatoms Chaetoceros socialis f. radians, Nitzschia frigida, Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii, and Nitzschia sp. Diatoms formed the basis of the community. Specifically, in 2020, their abundance was 1,861.2 cells·mL−1 in the Voevoda Bay and 751.2 cells·mL−1 in the Novik Bay; in 2021, the values reached 6,846.3 and 17,143.1 cells·mL−1, respectively. In 2020 in the Voevoda Bay, cell abundance was maximum in the upper layer of the ice core and gradually decreased closer to a border with under-ice water; in the Novik Bay, it was distributed approximately evenly throughout the core. In 2021 in the Voevoda Bay, the opposite pattern was observed: microalgae abundance was minimal in the upper layers of the ice core and gradually increased as moving down, to a border with under-ice water. In the Novik Bay, maximum microalgae abundance was recorded in the upper layer of the ice core, with a relatively uniform distribution over all layers. Thus, the differences are shown in the quantitative structure of ice microalgae depending on a layer of the ice core, year, and study area.
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