
Davidovich N. A., Davidovich O. I., Podunay Yu. A. Reproductive biology and the life cycle of the diatom Nitzschia cf. thermaloides inhabiting mud volcanoes of Crimea. Marine Biological Journal, 2023, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 42-54. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2023.08.2.03



In biology, it is important to study the ability of organisms to exist under extreme conditions, to which the phase of the life cycle, related to sexual reproduction and the possibility to leave the next generation, is especially sensitive. Nitzschia cf. thermaloides Hustedt was found in high abundance in samples from puddles and lakes formed in the areas of action of mud volcanoes of the Bulganak mud volcano field (Kerch Peninsula, Crimea). Individual clones were isolated from the samples by the micropipette technique and introduced into a culture; their crossing made it possible to initiate heterothallic sexual reproduction. The aim of this work was to study reproductive biology and the life cycle of the alga from a biotope with extremely high levels of irradiance, temperature, and salinity. For the first time for this species, a description of the sexual process corresponding to IB2a type according to Geitler classification is given. The cardinal points have been defined, which represent critical cell sizes that determine the transition from one phase of the life cycle to another. The full range of cell sizes is given, from the initial ones that appeared as a result of sexual reproduction to the smallest ones observed when kept in the culture. The main postulates of the life-cycle theory are considered allowing to analyze the natural population of the alga. The population of N. cf. thermaloides was found to exist in the sampling site for a long time and to be represented by cells in all phases of the life cycle.


N. A. Davidovich

leading researcher, D. Sc.



O. I. Davidovich

senior researcher, PhD



Yu. A. Podunay





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This work was carried out within the framework of KSS – Nature Reserve of RAS – Branch of IBSS state research assignment “Study of fundamental physical, physiological, biochemical, reproductive, population, and behavioral characteristics of marine hydrobionts” (No. 121032300019-0). Isolation of clones, measurements, and observations were carried out using microscopes, digital cameras, laboratory glassware, and software purchased at the expense of grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research “Data finding on reproductive biology of the genus Ardissonea, which are crucial for understanding of the diatom phylogeny” (No. 15-04-00237_а) and “Study of the species specificity of the evolutionary transition from oogamy to neogamous sexual reproduction in polar centric diatoms (Mediophyceae)” (No. 19-04-00070_а).



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