
Seregin S. A., Popova E. V. Abundance, species diversity, and structure of the metazoan microzooplankton community in the bay–seaside gradient (on the example of the Sevastopol Bay). Marine Biological Journal, 2023, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 74-90. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2023.08.2.05



The aim of the research is to identify regular changes in the abundance, species diversity, and structure of metazoan microzooplankton (MM) communities under gradient conditions of the sea coast on a relatively small spatial scale. The relevance of the work lies in the paucity of such studies, which allow to assess indirectly the anthropogenic load (pollution, eutrophication) on marine biota and to apply species diversity indices to evaluate the trophic status of local water areas. The investigation covered three coastal areas of the city of Sevastopol: the open seaside, the mouth of the Sevastopol Bay, and its inner area. The localization of sampling stations reflects the gradient of environmental conditions, which is characterized by various degrees of the effect of natural and anthropogenic factors on the biota. The study was carried out in summer and autumn seasons. MM was sampled on three horizons of the water column: surface, 0–5-m, and 0–10-m layers. In the open seaside and at the bay mouth, MM abundance along the vertical was characterized by a greater evenness; in the inner bay area, the differences between the layers could reach 5–700 times. Maximum MM abundance (1,837.1 thousand ind.·m−3) was registered in early August in the surface layer in the inner bay area. Since the late summer, the abundance decreased in all the studied water areas. The species diversity of the MM community, which was assessed applying the Shannon, Simpson, Pielou, and other indices, decreases from the open seashore towards the inner bay area. This pattern persisted in both seasons. The most informative indices were the Shannon, Simpson, and Pielou ones. Those reflected well both seasonal changes in species diversity and direction of changes in the trophic gradient of the local bay waters. Applying multivariate analysis, cases of significant alterations in the MM community structure were revealed for the bottom water layer in the inner bay area. The main probable cause of these local changes is the occurrence of hypoxic conditions in the lower water horizons of the polluted bay areas, which leads to the degradation of the abundance and species composition of the studied zooplankton community.


S. A. Seregin

senior researcher, PhD



E. V. Popova

leading engineer




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This work was carried out within the framework of IBSS state research assignment “Functional, metabolic, and toxicological aspects of hydrobionts and their populations existence in biotopes with different physical and chemical regimes” (No. 121041400077-1) and “Regularities of formation and anthropogenic transformation of biodiversity and biological resources of the Sea of Azov–Black Sea basin and other areas of the World Ocean” (No. 121030100028-0).

