Finding of the golden goby Gobius xanthocephalus (Gobiidae) off the southeastern coast of Crimea (the Black Sea)
Information is given on the finding of the golden goby Gobius xanthocephalus Heymer & Zander, 1992 (Gobiidae, Perciformes) off the southeastern coast of Crimea (the Black Sea), where this species was not previously recorded. An individual was registered during underwater ichthyological studies in the Dvuyakornaya Bay water area, in the vicinity of the northeastern tip of the Kiik-Atlama Peninsula (44°57′N, 35°23′E). The golden goby was recorded at a depth of 8.5 m at the foot of the underwater part of the rocky slope, in a shaded niche among a cluster of boulders. The finding of this species in the Southeastern Crimea indicates the expansion of its range in polyhaline water areas of the northern Black Sea.
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