Organic matter in the ecosystem of the Vladimir Bay (the Sea of Japan): Food resource and environmental risk factor
To understand the accumulation process resulting from the input of toxic substances and elements into water areas, the study of the organic matter content in the aquatic environment and bottom sediments is of great importance. Moreover, such investigation is significant for identifying negative alterations in the ecosystem and potential environmental risks driven by the nature management. We aimed at analyzing the importance of organic matter as a factor of the environmental contamination in the Vladimir Bay (the Sea of Japan) and determining the toxicity of hydrobionts and the environmental risk to both the ecosystem and human health. This complex work was carried out applying chemical, analytical, microbiological, and hydrobiological techniques; it included mathematical and cartographic data processing, as well as calculation of accumulation factor and sediment quality guideline quotient. Seawater, bottom sediments, and macrobenthos sampled in the Vladimir Bay in July 2014 were analyzed. Chemical, ecological, and microbiological parameters of the bay waters were determined; those allowed to estimate the organic matter accumulation in the aquatic environment and bottom sediments and to establish the trophic status of the ecosystem in summer. Mass macrobenthic species and groups were identified; indices of benthic population abundance were determined indicating high levels of biomass. In surface waters, the abundance of heavy metal resistant groups of bacteria was estimated. In bottom sediments, heavy metal content and its spatial distribution were determined. Heavy metal concentrations in the sea urchin gonads were quantified. The results of the microbiological assessment were compared with maximum permissible concentrations (MPC), and a significant pollution of the bay waters (more than 3 MPC) in terms of Cd was revealed. For Ni, Cu, Zn, and Cd, background concentrations were exceeded in the bottom sediments; for Cd and Zn, clarke content was exceeded. The correlation between concentrations of organic matter in the bottom sediments and heavy metal content there was checked, as well as the correlation between heavy metal concentrations in the bottom sediments and in the sea urchin gonads (a statistically significant correlation was revealed for Zn). For the bay bottom sediments, the contamination factor Cf was determined; its values characterize the contamination with zinc as high, and with cadmium and copper – as very high. Also, the degree of contamination Cd was estimated; its values evidence for an average degree of contamination for the bottom sediments in total. The environmental risk quotients were calculated. According to SQG-Q value, the bay bottom sediments are classified as moderately polluted. As established, Cd and Pb content in the sea urchin gonads from the Vladimir Bay does not exceed the permissible values set in Technical Regulation of the Customs Union 021/2011. However, based on ILCR value, it can be concluded that there is a carcinogenic risk arising from consuming the sea urchin gonads.
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