
Ignatyev S. M., Bondarenko L. V. To the 90th birth anniversary of Yuriy Glebovich Aleyev. Marine Biological Journal, 2016, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 75-79. URL: https://marine-biology.ru/mbj/article/view/41



This note is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of outstanding scientist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Yuri Glebovich Aleyev (1926–1991), who had made an essential contribution to ichthyology and other hydrobiological sciences. Yu. G. Aleyev had carried out three new scientific branches:  biohydrodynamic morphology of fishes, nektonology and ecomorphology, and their key aspect is the systemic study of morphological adaptations of organisms. Scientific heritage of Yu. G. Aleyev is still very interesting for experts in general biology, ecology, evolution, paleontology, functional morphology and systematic of organisms, parasitology, bacteriology, botany, mycology, zoology, virology, ichthyology, hydrobiology and bionics.


S. M. Ignatyev


L. V. Bondarenko




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