
Selivanova O. N., Zhigadlova G. G. Finding of Acrosorium yendoi Yamada (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta), a new to Kamchatka species, in Avacha Gulf. Marine Biological Journal, 2023, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 116-120. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2023.08.4.10



Recent finding of the red alga Acrosorium yendoi, new to Kamchatka, during observations in a laboratory marine aquarium, containing sediments and water from the Avacha Gulf (Southeastern Kamchatka), was supported by its discovery in this water area using the method of parallel floristic observations both under laboratory and natural conditions. A. yendoi was previously recorded in more southern areas of the Pacific coast of Russia (Sea of Japan), as well as in Japan, China, and Korea. As a result of our studies, the species is registered in the flora of Eastern Kamchatka, and this significantly expands the understanding of A. yendoi range, shifting it to the north and changing the phytogeographic characteristics of the species.


O. N. Selivanova

leading researcher, D. Sc.



G. G. Zhigadlova

senior researcher, PhD




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