
Soldatov A., Rychkova V., Kukhareva T. Morphometric characteristics of erythroid elements of Anadara kagoshimensis (Tokunaga, 1906) hemolymph under conditions of hydrogen sulfide loading. Marine Biological Journal, 2024, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 98-107. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2024.09.1.08



The effect of hydrogen sulfide loading on the morphometric characteristics of erythroid elements of Anadara kagoshimensis (Tokunaga, 1906) hemolymph was studied experimentally. The work was carried out on adult molluscs with a shell height of 26–38 mm. Molluscs of the control group were kept in an aquarium with oxygen concentration of 7.0–7.1 mg O2·L−1 (normoxia). Molluscs of the experimental group were exposed to hydrogen sulfide loading created by Na2S donor dissolving in water to a final concentration of 6 mg S2−·L−1. A day later, the oxygen level in water amounted to 1.8 mg O2·L−1, and hydrogen sulfide was not detected. Some of molluscs were subjected to repeated hydrogen sulfide loading by Na2S adding up to a final concentration of 9 mg S2−·L−1. By the end of the second day, 1.9 mg S2−·L−1 and 0.03 mg O2·L−1 (trace oxygen concentration) were recorded in water. Under conditions of short-term hydrogen sulfide loading (the first day), the population of A. kagoshimensis erythroid elements became more heterogeneous. In the hemolymph, the content of micro- and macrocytes increased; the number of cells with an altered shape and low content of granular inclusions in the cytoplasm rose. The number of free hematin granules in the hemolymph significantly increased. The mean cell volume (Vc) rose by more than 20%. Exposure to increased concentration of sulfides for two days led to a noticeable decrease in Vc, which is determined by a significant reduction in the population of macrocytes in the hemolymph of molluscs.


A. Soldatov

chief researcher, D. Sc., Prof.



V. Rychkova




T. Kukhareva

senior researcher, PhD




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This work was carried out within the framework of IBSS state research assignment “Functional, metabolic, and molecular genetic mechanisms of marine organism adaptation to conditions of extreme ecotopes of the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov, and other areas of the World Ocean” (No. 124030100137-6).



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