
Borovkov A., Gudvilovich I., Zhondareva Ya. Growth of cultures of marine microalgae Porphyridium purpureum and Tetraselmis viridis on modified nutrient media. Marine Biological Journal, 2024, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 3-15. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2024.09.3.01



Marine species of microalgae are capable of synthesizing a wide range of biologically active substances and are currently considered as the most promising sources of such compounds. Nutrient media for cultivation of microalgae are mostly prepared based on natural or artificial seawater. Modifying the nutrient medium for cultivation of marine microalgae by replacing its natural seawater base with freshwater one seems promising. Unialgal cultures of the marine microalgae Porphyridium purpureum and Tetraselmis viridis were grown under conditions of replacing sterile seawater with freshwater, with sea salt added up to a concentration of 18 and 28 g·L−1 for T. viridis and P. purpureum, respectively. Based on experimental data obtained, production characteristics of P. purpureum and T. viridis batch cultures were determined when grown on freshwater-based and seawater-based nutrient media. In general, a change in the density of P. purpureum and T. viridis cultures during batch cultivation both on freshwater and seawater had a unidirectional character (correlation coefficients in both cases were 0.99), and the water base of the nutrient medium had no significant effect on their growth rate. As shown experimentally, the biomass yield of P. purpureum and T. viridis using freshwater as a base of the nutrient medium was 3.2–3.4 g of dry weight per 1 L of the culture and generally corresponded to the similar parameter of cultures grown using seawater. Despite the fact that the mean growth rate of T. viridis cultured in freshwater did not differ significantly from the growth rate of the microalga cultured in seawater, higher mean rates of pigment synthesis and their total accumulation were observed in the culture grown in seawater. In the case of P. purpureum, the water base of the nutrient medium had no noticeable effect on B-phycoerythrin synthesis rate and content of this pigment in the culture and biomass of the microalga. The obtained results show that cultures of marine microalgae P. purpureum and T. viridis can be successfully grown without using natural seawater. It significantly reduces labor costs and biomass production costs; also, it expands geographical perspectives for their mass cultivation.


A. Borovkov
leading researcher, head of the department, PhD



I. Gudvilovich
senior researcher, PhD



Ya. Zhondareva
junior researcher




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This work was carried out within the framework of IBSS state research assignment “Comprehensive study of the functioning mechanisms of marine biotechnological complexes with the aim of obtaining bioactive substances from hydrobionts” (No. 124022400152-1) and “Comprehensive study of ecological, physiological, and biochemical features of microalgae of various taxonomic groups during adaptation to changing environments” (No. 124021300070-2).



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