Critical intensity of swirling flows of a suspension and productivity in batch culture of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis under different light conditions
The paper provides results of the experimental study of batch cultures of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis under conditions of critical intensity of swirling flows at different size of the working layer (the optical path). As shown, despite a 10-fold increase in the intensity of vortex mixing, the productivity of the culture decreased by 2 times, when the working layer rose by 3 times. Notably, for photosynthetic microorganisms, the key factor determining the productivity in the culture is the spatial irradiation inside cell suspension (the working layer) but with the intensity of suspension stirring taken into account. The conditions of cultivation of photosynthetic cells under which the working layer differs by 2 times, but the productivity in the culture remains the same, are experimentally demonstrated.
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