Salinity optima for vegetative growth and sexual reproduction of the diatom Toxarium undulatum
Distribution of diatom algae is limited by their tolerance to environmental factors. Although a genus Toxarium has been evolving for more than 100 million years, it is represented by only two species. Toxarium undulatum is widely spread in tropical and subtropical seas, and it can be also found in the Black Sea, the salinity of which is twice lower than the oceanic one. Ecological and psychological characteristics research of this species is of great interest in terms of its relationship to salinity. T. undulatum clonal cultures were sampled in the Donuzlav Lake connected to the Black Sea (southwest of the Crimean Peninsula) and on Gran Canaria coast (Canary Islands archipelago). Experiments on the salinity tolerance limits showed, that the Black Sea clones were viable in a range of at least 30 ‰ (12 to 42 ‰). The same wide range of salinity tolerance with slightly higher values was observed among oceanic clones of this species. Optima of vegetative growth and sexual reproduction were determined. Optima of the Black Sea clones appeared to be 27.8 and 27.2 ‰, respectively, which was significantly higher than salinity observed in population habitat. Similar higher optima of vegetative growth and sexual reproduction, compared with those salinity values, at which natural population developed, were observed for a number of other Black Sea diatoms, which proved their oceanic (Mediterranean) origin. It was concluded that T. undulatum, along with other species, began to populate the Black Sea basin about seven thousand years ago after Mediterranean Sea water started to flow into the freshened Novoevksinsky Sea-Lake through the Bosporus Strait. However, the evolution rate did not allow bringing physiological and ecological characteristics of the species studied into full agreement with environmental conditions. Oceanic origin is evidently seen in its physiological reactions to salinity. Possibility of speciation due to settlement of the Black Sea with oceanic species is discussed.
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