
Grintsov V. The first findings of new species of amphipods in the Sea of Azov. Marine Biological Journal, 2024, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 108-112. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2024.09.3.10



In 2022–2023, 8 species and 4 genera of Amphipoda new to the Sea of Azov were found near the Cape Kazantip (the Crimea; Golubniki, Russkaya, and Shirokaya bays). All specimens are stored in IBSS Collection of Hydrobionts of the World Ocean. The following species were recorded: Ampelisca sevastopoliensis Grintsov, 2011 (the family Ampeliscidae); Apohyale crassipes (Heller, 1866) (Hyalidae); Microprotopus cf. maculatus (Microprotopidae); Monocorophium insidiosum (Crawford, 1937) (Corophiidae); Nototropis massiliensis (Bellan-Santini, 1975) (Atylidae); Orchestia mediterranea A. Costa, 1853 (Talitridae); Orchestia montagui Audouin, 1856 (Talitridae); and Pleonexes helleri (Karaman, 1975) (Ampithoidae). New genera were registered: Apohyale Bousfield & Hendrycks, 2002; Monocorophium Bousfield & Hoover, 1997; Nototropis A. Costa, 1853; and Pleonexes Spence Bate, 1857. Seven species were represented by adult males and females, as well as juveniles. Two Orchestia species were identified by adult males. Individuals of species new to the Sea of Azov were found in the coastal zone in the following biotopes: supralittoral, macrophytes on the beach (O. mediterranea and O. montagui); detached macrophytes off the coast (A. crassipes); sand on the bottom at a depth of 0.2–1.5 m (A. sevastopoliensis and N. massiliensis); seagrass beds (M. insidiosum and Microprotopus cf. maculatus); and attached macrophytes on the bottom at a depth of 0.2–1.0 m (P. helleri). The occurrence of these species in the Sea of Azov may be associated with an increase in the salinity of its waters.


V. Grintsov
leading researcher, D. Sc.




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This work was carried out within the framework of IBSS state research assignment “Comprehensive study of the functioning mechanisms of marine biotechnological complexes with the aim of obtaining bioactive substances from hydrobionts” (No. 124022400152-1).



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