
Tikhonova E. A. The long-term dynamics of the sea bottom sediments pollution of the Kruglaya Bay (Black Sea). Marine Biological Journal, 2016, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 70-75. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2016.01.1.07



The relevance of the Kruglaya Bay’s pollution research is specified due to adverse situation in its water areas during the seasons with increased anthropogenic pressure and environmental conditions favorable for the activation of biological growth. This is especially true for the organic pollution, originating both from emergency sources, and from the metabolites of the organisms. Sea bottom sediments are the final destination of the migration and deposition of these substances, analysis of which gives the opportunity to present a stable picture of the contamination. Therefore, the aim of the work was to evaluate the long-term changes in the state of the sea bottom sediments of the bay. The material for the study is based on the samples of sea bottom sediments, collected in the Kruglaya Bay by Petersen bottom sampler. The total amount of chloroform-extractable substances was determined by gravimetric method in properly prepared air-dried samples, while the amount of oil hydrocarbons was determined by infrared spectrometry. The analysis of long-term dynamics of the sea bottom sediments pollution in the Kruglaya Bay in period of 2006–2012 was conducted. The results showed that pollution by the organic substances in the water area of the Kruglaya Bay was unevenly distributed and was confined to its sources: the central part of the bay is clean, while the level of pollution of its highest peaks reaches the degree of contamination of the IV level. There is an intense accumulation of pollutants at st. 01, as evidenced by the results of concentrations chloroform-extractable substances (at this st. – 900 mg·100g−1, while the littoral deposits near the station contained 620 mg·100g−1). Thus, the common concentration of chloroform-extractable substances is decreased for the entire study period, with the exception of st. 02, but the proportion of oil hydrocarbons is higher at the whole water area of the Kruglaya Bay’s top.


E. A. Tikhonova




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