Study of fouling communities succession under conditions of the device of controlled water flow
For testing the anticorrosive and antifouling protective coatings, a ground stand is developed: the device of controlled water flow. The relevance of the study is undeniable, given the practical significance of the problem. The stand is connected to the main of sea running water. The device makes it possible to imitate the motion of aqueous flow around the vessel, thus simulating the conditions of moving amphibious facility. The aim of this work is to present for the first time the new device, created by us, which received a positive decision of Rospatent (Federal Service for Intellectual Property). For two months, full-scale field tests were carried out. They have showed essential qualitative and quantitative differences in the composition of fouling communities on the experimental plates, placed into the device of controlled water flow and suspended in the water column on the pier of the Zapad marine biological station of the National Scientific Center of Marine Biology, FEB RAS. Benthic diatoms predominate in the periphyton community under the conditions of the device of controlled water flow; there is practically no zoofouling. Phytocenosis of green algae, which is common for a vessel variable loadline or a hydraulic structure drainage zone, is presented on the plates from the open bay. The efficiency of using the device of controlled water flow, created by us, is shown for studying the patterns of formation of the fouling communities in different hydrodynamic flows. The main practical conclusion is that the device can be used to verify the properties of protective coatings on the substrates tested, inter alia antifouling and anticorrosive coatings.
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