
Klimova T. N., Anninsky B. E., Subbotin A. A., Vdodovich I. V., Podrezova P. S. State of the ichthyo-, meso-, and macroplankton complexes off the Crimean Peninsula (the Black Sea) in connection with the hydrobiological regime features in October 2016. Marine Biological Journal, 2023, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 55-73. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2023.08.2.04



The changes in the Black Sea hydrological regime recorded since 1990s have altered the state of epipelagic complexes of marine organisms, primarily the seasonal variability of their biological cycles. This largely affected the spawning phenology of natural fish populations, as well as ichthyoplankton species diversity and spatial distribution, and established trophic relationships within the plankton community. The interactions between links of the food chain in epipelagic complexes, as well as their seasonal and interannual variations, ultimately affect fish spawning efficiency, especially that of mass commercial species, and determine the replenishment of their new generations. To establish ichthyoplankton species composition, abundance, and spatial distribution, the study was carried out in shelf and open areas of the Black Sea (the Crimean coast) during the 89th cruise of the RV “Professor Vodyanitsky” (30 September – 19 October, 2016). Eggs and larvae of fish and the biomass of meso- and macroplankton were analyzed. Ichthyoplankton and macroplankton were sampled with Bogorov–Rass net (inlet area of 0.5 m²; mesh size of 300 μm) by vertical sampling technique. In the shelf areas, sampling was carried out from the bottom up to the surface, while in the deep-sea areas, from the lower boundary of the oxygen zone up to the surface. Ichthyoplankton was fixed with 4% neutralized formaldehyde and investigated under microscope to determine taxonomic composition and, if possible, to analyze contents of fish larvae intestines. Species composition and spatial distribution of ichthyo-, meso-, and macroplankton in October 2016 were studied, as well as the feeding of fish larvae of the Black Sea off the Crimean coast. The research covered the initial phase of the autumn hydrological season. In samples, eggs and larvae of 9 warm-water fish species and 6 temperate-water fish species were found. The mean abundance of eggs was 2.92 ind.·m−2, and the mean abundance of larvae was 3.56 ind.·m−2. The low percentage (30%) of dead eggs of the warm-water European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and the presence of its different-sized larvae evidenced the ongoing productive spawning. The zooplankton biomass increased from the shelf towards the deep-sea areas. Small plankton organisms prevailed in the shelf areas providing enough food for fish larvae to survive. Despite the significant biomass of gelatinous plankton feeders in October 2016, their effect on ichthyoplankton complexes of the Black Sea was apparently minor.


T. N. Klimova

senior researcher, PhD



B. E. Anninsky

leading researcher, PhD



A. A. Subbotin

senior researcher, PhD



I. V. Vdodovich

senior researcher, PhD




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This work was carried out within the framework of IBSS state research assignment “Regularities of formation and anthropogenic transformation of biodiversity and biological resources of the Sea of Azov–Black Sea basin and other areas of the World Ocean” (No. 121030100028-0), “Investigation of mechanisms of controlling production processes in biotechnological complexes with the aim of developing scientific foundations for production of biologically active substances and technical products of marine genesis” (No. 121030300149-0), and “Functional, metabolic, and toxicological aspects of hydrobionts and their populations existence in biotopes with different physical and chemical regimes” (No. 121041400077-1). The research was carried out at the core facility RV “Professor Vodyanitsky” (IBSS).



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