
Ryzhik I., Salakhov D., Makarov M., Menshakova M. Analysis of physiological and biochemical parameters of Acrosiphonia arcta (Dillwyn) Gain cells at the early stage of stress reaction formation under the effect of diesel fuel emulsion. Marine Biological Journal, 2024, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 86-97. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2024.09.1.07



Features of stress reaction formation were studied in cells of the green alga Acrosiphonia arcta under the effect of diesel fuel emulsion. Changes in indicators of oxidative stress (concentration of hydrogen peroxide and accumulation of products of lipid peroxidation) were analyzed; activity of antioxidant enzymes, intensity of photosynthesis, and condition of cells were investigated. As shown, during the first day of exposure to the toxicant, plasmolysis and disruption of the chloroplast structure occur in cells. The stress reaction develops in stages. At the first stage, the amount of hydrogen peroxide increases, the concentration of products of lipid peroxidation changes, and the activity of superoxide dismutase rises. At the second stage, catalase activity increases. By the end of the first day of exposure, against the backdrop of a drop in catalase activity, peroxidase activity rises (the third stage). The intensity of photosynthesis decreases by the end of the experiment. As suggested, under the effect of diesel fuel emulsion, the daily dynamics of the biological cycles of a number of enzymes may be disrupted.


I. Ryzhik

senior researcher, PhD



D. Salakhov

junior researcher



M. Makarov

director, D. Sc.



M. Menshakova

head of the laboratory, PhD




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The study was carried out within the framework of the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 22-17-00243 “Radiation oceanology and geoecology of the coastal shelf of the Barents and White seas. Bioinert interactions in the system bottom sediments – water – macroalgae – microorganisms; their role in the remediation of the marine coastal ecosystem during radiation and chemical pollution in the Arctic.”



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