
Davidovich O. I., Davidovich N. A., Podunay Yu. A., Solak C. N. Halotolerance limits of the Black Sea representative of the genus Entomoneis Ehrenberg, 1845 (Bacillariophyta). Marine Biological Journal, 2022, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 32-40. https://doi.org/10.21072/mbj.2022.07.2.03



The genus Entomoneis Ehrenberg, 1845 is quite rich in species. Underestimated diversity of this genus requires its deeper morphological and molecular study, as well as an investigation of ecological and physiological characteristics of its species – specifically, their tolerance limits to environmental factors. Considering the distribution of Entomoneis species in water bodies with various salinity, we aimed at studying the tolerance limits and determining optimal salinity for vegetative growth and sexual reproduction of the diatom Entomoneis sp. from the Black Sea. We used reproductively compatible clonal cultures isolated from samples taken on the Crimean and Turkish Black Sea coasts. For Entomoneis sp. clone 7.0906-D, the nucleotide sequence of the rbcL gene was obtained; it is presented in the GenBank database under the number MT424817. Morphologically, the studied species resembles E. paludosa; according to molecular data, it is far from it. In accordance with its ecological and physiological characteristics, this species is a marine one. According to published material available, E. paludosa, unlike Entomoneis sp., inhabits brackish, slightly saline, and even fresh water bodies. Experiments on halotolerance show the following: the Black Sea clones of Entomoneis sp. are viable in a range of at least 40 ‰ (8 to 48 ‰). A salinity range of the medium within which Entomoneis sp. revealed sexual reproduction is much narrower – 18 to 36 ‰. Optimal salinity values for vegetative growth and sexual reproduction were determined (27.4 and 26.4 ‰, respectively); those turned out to be higher in both cases than the values in the natural habitat of this species. As salinity of the medium increased, Entomoneis sp. initial cells resulting from sexual reproduction tended to decrease in size.


O. I. Davidovich
senior researcher, PhD



N. A. Davidovich
leading researcher, D. Sc.



Yu. A. Podunay



C. N. Solak
researcher, PhD



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This work was carried out within the framework of the KSS – NS RAS – Branch of IBSS state research assignment “Study of fundamental physical, physiological, biochemical, reproductive, population, and behavioral characteristics of marine hydrobionts” (No. 121032300019-0). Sampling on the Turkish coast was supported by the program TR-YÖK-Proje Tabanlı Değişim Programı (grant No. MEV-2016-46).



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