Morphometric variability in the round goby Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1814) (Actinopterygii, Gobiidae) of the Sea of Azov–Black Sea Basin
The variability of external morphological characters (36 morphometric and 6 meristic ones) of the round goby Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1814) from seven regions of the Sea of Azov–Black Sea Basin is considered: the northwestern and southwestern Black Sea coast of the Crimean Peninsula (the Karkinitsky Bay, Donuzlav Liman, and Streletskaya Bay of Sevastopol), the Kazantip Bay of the Sea of Azov, and the Salgir River in the central Crimean Peninsula. As established, the round goby from different catch regions at the age of 2+…3 has different body sizes: the maximum in individuals from the Streletskaya Bay, SLav (136.2 ± 1.97) mm; the minimum in individuals from the Salgir River, SLav (66.8 ± 2.28) mm. With the Mann–Whitney test, statistically significant differences were found between the samples for most morphometric characters. In terms of meristic characters, there were no differences. The greatest contributors to the discrimination of N. melanostomus samples were morphometric characters related to the location of fins. According to the results of cluster analysis, based on the totality of all the studied characters of the round goby of the Sea of Azov–Black Sea Basin, the samples from the Karkinitsky Bay (Samarchik Bay and Yarylgachskaya Bay, D = 28.6) and from the Bakalskaya Spit water area had the highest similarity. At the level of divergence D = 47.3, groups of the round goby from the Streletskaya Bay and Kazantip Bay were united; then, a sample from the Donuzlav Liman adjoined them at the level D = 215. The sample from the Salgir River had the most isolated position: the level of divergence was about 475. As found according to the discriminant analysis, the round goby from the Sea of Azov–Black Sea Basin was differentiated into at least three spatial groups: the first one, from the western coast of the Crimean Peninsula (the Karkinitsky Bay and Donuzlav Liman) and the Sevastopol area (the Streletskaya Bay); the second one, from the Kazantip Bay (the Sea of Azov); and the third one, from the Salgir River. The following characters made the greatest contribution to the discrimination of spatial groupings (with the correlation coefficient between characters and coordinate values along the second canonical axis being higher than 0.75): maximum body depth, caudal peduncle depth and width, predorsal and prepelvic distances, and width of pectoral and pelvic fin base. The revealed heterogeneity shows a high paratypical variability of morphometric characters; under different environmental conditions, individuals of the same species form a specific phenotype.
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